Dec 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Andy & XLO

Congrats to Andy & XLO on their 1 yr Anniversary

Great job there!

It is our birthday and we celebrate what few (if any) other sites have achieved. One full year of surfing and daily instant payouts.

You are part of history and it is only fitting that we give back to our member base - who have supported us throughout this time.

What we are going to do is provide our members with some free upgrades, as a token of our appreciation. As we have done previously - this is a NO purchase required. A download was taken of the member profile at the start of today and that is what we are basing our calculations on.

What we are doing is as follows:

Members with $25 - $99 worth of active upgrades will receive one free extra upgrade - value $5.00
Members with $100 - $499 worth of active upgrades will receive two free extra upgrades - value $10.00
Members with $500 - $999 worth of active upgrades will receive three free extra upgrades - value $15.00
Members with $1000 - $2499 worth of active upgrades will receive five free extra upgrades - value $25.00
Members with $2500 - 4999 worth of active upgrades will receive ten free extra upgrades - value $50.00
Members with $5000 - 8500 worth of active upgrades will receive 15 free extra upgrades - value $75.00

Members above that level will get a cash bonus.

Dec 10, 2006

Dec - Month Of Death

Looks like the month of DEC is really a Death month
All payouts have either momentarily cease or permanent

I recently joined the latest talk in town & highly recommended by friends


Its a different type of model compared to other HYIP
Go have a look

ICC is reaching their goal of 100% soon hope to see some $$$ anytime next year

12by12 continues to payout but with the 50/50 rules
if you cannot upgrade you just gotta join in the queue to get paid
which can take up to more than 2 weeks

13dp having problems with their insufficient egold hope they get it solve asap.

PSX has yet to pay & i heard they will be starting payouts next week
we shall see

Lets see how this month will pass by

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