Dec 20, 2006

ManicAds Next Big Thing

If you guys are just wondering if ManicAds is just any ordinary Autosurf
well .. your are damn wrong..
It has a whole lot of new adds on n features
which help allow you to enjoy to your heart content

This is how it goes:


Simple explanation

  • Earnings are based on a 90% revenue share. 90% of all profits are paid back out to members that surf.

  • You may view the previous daily earnings and the overall average earnings for a good estimation of how much you will earn.

Advanced explanation

  • All earnings are updated in real time. Our system is unique in that it is ever adjusting itself according to the number of adpacks, members, cashouts, deposits and earnings paid.

  • The average earnings are displayed under the Earnings link in the General tab.

  • Members will usually earn within '+' or '-' 5% of the average earnings.

  • Earnings should never be at an extreme low (under 1%) or an extreme high (over 20%)

  • Why do people earn different amounts?

  • The system automatically adjusts itself so there is never a huge earnings rise or drop. Many profit share surfs start with high earnings and slowly drop.

  • Our program will adjust its own earnings accordingly so the the overall average will remain close the the previous days earnings along with the average of all past earnings.

  • Since earnings are updated in real time (not a midnight each night) one member may earn 8% the next member that surfs may earn 8.5 and the next 7.8. The reason this happens is because the system is adjusting itself so that each members daily earnings, each members overall earnings, your personal daily earnings, your personal overall earnings, the over average daily earnings and the overall site lifetime average earnings remain at a comparative level and it is doing this instantly with every surf, cashout and purchase.

  • Also while you may have been earning a steady 8% and the overall average site earnings have been 9% you may see that you all of a sudden start earning 11 or 12% while others earn 8% this is because the system is trying to compensate your earnings to match the overall site earnings along with each other members average earnings.

  • All of this is done to keep an earnings pool reservoir.

  • Once again all earnings are updated instantly and automatically, no waiting until midnight to surf, no waiting until midnight to see how much you earned, no waiting until midnight to see what the earnings will be.

  • The system automatically calculates and actually learns with each surf, deposit, purchase, earning and cashout and uses this to figure earnings % from the earnings pool reservoir.

Last HYWD Issue?

... was Issue 78. Yes, there will be no more issues. But we are not closing or anything like that :) We are just resutructured the ezine. If you want to know more about that, please see So what happened with HYWD?.

If you don't care about that, you can just check the articles published since the last update:

- Are You Investing Correctly?
- How To Have A Guaranteed Income- For Life!
- Pricing your Trades to Win at BetonMarkets
- Fast Review: Charge Invest
- Victoria Picks: Don't Work For Money
- Fast Review: CVFI, Private Investment Program
- Speed Linking - Dec 18th 2006
- So what happened with HYWD?

Dec 19, 2006


Im sad to say 12by12 is finally close
well.. the month of DEC really sux doesnt it?

Here is what dave has to say

Hi Everybody,

This is the hardest update I have ever had to write. 12by12daily is now closed. I have done everything in my power to keep both sites operating, but, at the end of the day, if theres is no money coming in, then there is nothing to pay out. Since the launch of 12by12daily I have been working up to 18 hours a day 7 days a week to make this a success. Some of you will appreciate the effort I have put in, others will not. During that time, we have been subjected to some enormous obstacles. Right from day 1 we were subjected to extortion threats, which we did not bow down to. This resulted in our site being attacked by massive ddos attacks, which we were eventually able to repel. It also resulted in our database being totally corrupted due to my attempts to pay everybody for they days they had been unable to surf. We have still been unable to totally correct these errors. Worse than that, it also started a massive campaign of negativity in the forums, resulting in a lack of confidence, and complaints to egold, which saw my egold account blocked. We were able to get through these problems, and make 12by12daily a successful site for a time. Just when we thought we had things back on an even keel, it all started again. First we were hacked, and a number of members had their egold account numbers changed. This took a few days to sort out, but it was the beginning of the lack of confidence shown by members. I could have announced then, that we were in trouble, but I preferred to fix the problem, rather than aggravate it. I announced an increase in the maximum allowable upgrades, and a number of other positive signs about 12by12daily. This worked well for one day, until some unsupportive members announced to the world that we had a cashflow problem. Some others even emailed their downline telling them not to make any further upgrades. The action of these members was probably the single most influential factor in the downfall of 12by12daily. Many of you are familiar with what happens when there is a run on a bank, well the same thing happens in an autosurf program. I had to make changes in payout rules to protect us from that, which I did. This also had a positive effect for a few days, until we got hacked again. This time the hacker got away with a large sum of money. This in itself would not have been enough to bring us down, but it was followed up with another sabotage attempt, whereby we were bombarded with phoney upgrades for a period of about 4 days. Almost every member had at least one of these phoney upgrades added to their account, and by the time we got that problem solved, I could see the level of confidence decreasing by the day. From a position where we would have been able to save the site, Upgrades were becoming less and less each day, until they are now at virtually zero. I have continued to make payouts in that time, in the hope that it might turn around, and I will continue to make payouts over the next few hours, until there is nothing left in my egold account.

I am truly sorry about this situation. I am not a scammer, and I have not stolen and run away with your money. Every penny made from 12by12daily has been put back into the program to make payments, and to make some payments at dadndaves. I am a good person who has been hit with circumstances I cannot control. I believe the majority of members will understand this, and accept that I have done everything I could to keep the program going. There will be a rabble rousing minority who will not accept it, and will go screaming in the forums etc for revenge. If any of those members should be considering legal means to recoup any losses, I would remind them of the terms agreed to upon joining. (Relevant paragraphs printed below) Each member, upon joining ticked a box to say they had read and understood the terms and conditions. This constitutes a digital signature, which is then a legally binding document. If you still wish to pursue this avenue, then I should also tell you there is no money left. Every penny I have made from 12by12daily has been put back into the program,

In closing I would like to thank all the members that have supported me over the last couple of years. It is your support that has enabled me to continue as long as I have. I have been shattered by this, and it is highly unlikely that you will ever see me with an internet business again.


XLO is Back In Action

After 3 days because of DDOS it has return
here is the latest update from Andy

XLO members should be able to surf again today - and you may use OR Both connect to the same back end - but the plan is if one is not working the other one will be. There is more work to do - but I know you want to get back surfing.

Three days has been added to unexpired upgrades. That means that the last three days were a holiday and we will not be "making up" for them - the time is added to the end.

As you would all be aware TFT payouts have been continuing as per normal - many of you have utilised the "spend direct" option; this certainly gets around any issues that there may be there.

Once more thank you for your patience.

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