Feb 3, 2007

3.90% Returns By LH

Alright Dan has just paid me from Life-Holdings
of a profit of 3.90% which is higher than last week.
I would say i am glad that i join this program
and will be looking forward to a better returns lol.
Here is the update:

Hi everyone!

Great performance this week, and one heck of a good day on Thursday,
when we netted 1.70% profit.

3.90% net profit this week!
E-Gold and e-Bullion profit and referral payments have been executed;
check your e-currency account to verify yours!

One detail I didn't mention last week is that Life Holdings had over 100
investors then; 128 investors now! Cool!

Life Holdings Forum <http://www.life-holdings.com/forum/index.php>
Our Betfair performance; updated daily!

Dan - Optimus
Life Holdings Management <http://www.life-holdings.com>

Jan 31, 2007

HYWD Newsletter for Jan, 30 '07

A warm welcome from High Yield Weekly Digest.
Here are the last week publications available on the site:

Reader's Digest Jan 30, 2006

Fast Review: RTA Online Investments
http://hywd.info/article727_Fast-Review -RTA-Online-Investments.html

FX Admin: We rely on diversification and conservative trading
http://hywd.info/article726_FX-Admin -We-rely-on-diversification-and

Fast Review: Fast Dividents
http://hywd.info/article725_Fast-Review -Fast-Dividents.html

Discover How Rich Dad Trades Stock Options

Fast Review: FXSphere
http://hywd.info/article723_Fast-Review -FXSphere.html

FOREX Profits - A Simple FOREX System For Big Profits

MegainvForum: Marcus refunds the balances
http://hywd.info/article721_MegainvForum -Marcus-refunds-the-balances.html

Jan 30, 2007

DSM Updates

Updates from Dustin:

I'd like to announce some "adjustments" to DSM that will benefit all the members and even your admin. :-) These changes involve what we call things in the program and one important "earnings" change. I'd like to thank Mike from ManicAds for giving me this idea, and after discussing it with my legal counsel I've been given the green light to make the changes.

We will be changing what we call your earnings. Up to this point you have been earning "viewing commissions" on your ad pack purchases. You will now earn "ad pack rebates". Making this terminology change means you will NOT be required to submit any tax id information. I'm still able to deduct my payments (rebates) I make to members and you are not required to submit any tax info. This is a win-win situation for all.

From this point forward, all members are members. There is no such thing as a "Free" member. ALL members will earn $0.05 for surfing the required sites each day. This $0.05 will show up immediately in your cash balance after you complete your minimum surfing. The "ad pack rebates" (daily percentage) will still be figured at midnight and credited to your account the next day. Not much changed here, except everyone can earn $0.05 per day they surf no matter what their ad pack level is. Ad Packs will still expire once they have earned ("rebated") 120% .

DSM now has three member levels: "Viewer", "Advertiser", "VIP Advertiser".

I will be updating the terms, FAQ's, and home page over the next couple of days to reflect these minor terminology changes.

I've also added to the staff of DSM. My wife, Debbie (Debs), will be working in the DSM office to help with payments, support tickets, forum management, and processing store purchases. The administrative load will be spread across two people instead of one. The great thing is we will not increase the expenses of DSM by doing this. If you receive a response from "Debs", now you know who she is. :-)

DSM's current financial situation is very strong. We are growing in numbers and upgrades. All of our accounts continue to grow in an upward trend. Thank you to every member for making DSM an awesome program to be involved in.

Happy Surfing,

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