Nov 24, 2006
Agloco Pays You To Surf - Free To Join
If you haven’t yet heard about AGLOCO, you need to listen up! This new company, founded by a bunch of Stanford MBA students, is creating quite a buzz. Their slogan is ‘Own the Internet’… and that’s what it’s about: you’re getting back some of the money you generate for e-businesses just by surfing as you usually do. Skeptical? Well, here’s why I chose to join:
1) $ - I will earn ownership in the company (in the form of shares) and will then begin earning substantial money if this thing blows up (and I have nothing to lose if it doesn’t.)
2) Simplicity - I use the Internet just as I always have… I just get paid to do it!
3) Getting my share! - I like the idea of getting my share of all the billions of wealth being created on the Internet – even if I am not going to be a millionaire because of this.
The company has a very solid privacy structure in place, so your information won’t be shared and you won’t start receiving loads of spam. AND, you can earn for not only the time you spend on the net, but for the time your FRIENDS spend on the net. Think about it: you’re driving users to the site, so the company earns more, and you, in turn, earn more. Fair and square, right? I used the AGLOCO member calculator – I can get over 5,000 shares a month if I sign up 10 good people who recruit more new members; and, once the site has grown enough, I will start earning actual checks.
SIGN UP NOW – this is the key! Remember that you can maximize your earnings by getting referrals to the site… and YOU want to be the one referring everyone!
Here is a link to sign up – it has my ID code in it.
"For those who were online in 1999, you may remember the very first "Get paid to surf" program. It was called AllAdvantage. Basically, by displaying the AllAdvantage toolbar while you surfed, you got paid.
And when you referred people to the program and they surfed, you got paid.
It worked VERY well, except that the management team at the company messed up the opportunity.
Don't get me wrong. I earned THOUSANDS with this program. And it was incredibly viral.
Since then, I've been waiting for a similar opportunity to arrive.
It just has!
Here's the deal.
Agloco promises to pay you to do what you normally do - use your browser to surf the web. And, if you tell your friends about it, you both with earn money.
And totally free to join.
What happens when you sign up for Agloco is simple: you install a piece of software on your computer that displays a small Viewbar below your current web browser window. That Viewbar has ads on it that change based on where you surf. If you go to a fishing site, you might see ads for fishing. If you go to a news site, you might see ads for blogs, just like you do now with ads from Google and Yahoo.
You don't have to click on the ads, you don't have to stare at the Viewbar, you just have to have it up and running. You get paid money for every hour it's open. Further, you get paid for every hour that your friends view the Viewbar. And your money extends 5 levels deep - you, signing up friends who sign up their friends who sign up their friends who sign
up their friends who sign up their friends, and you make money at every level.
This makes for a great fundraiser for your company, organization, troupe, theater, or website - sign up with the link below, then organize your membership or web visitors to sign up under you - you can designate that the money go to whatever payee you want.
And the money adds up fast.
Say you have 5 people you end up signing up, and they sign up 5 people each.
That's 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 3125 people that are surfing and making money for themselves...and for you. And remember, it's absolutely free to be an Agloco member.
Here's the signup URL again - it will take you right to the Agloco site:
There's a lot more to what you can do with your Agloco membership - you can get shares in the company, you can give your earned money to your favorite charity and more.
There is never a guarantee that a business model will succeed, but my radar is fine-tuned to watch for opportunities that can make you money online.
The toolbar is currently in beta, so you want to get as many people as possible signed up for the release NOW!
Don't miss this.
To your success,
1) $ - I will earn ownership in the company (in the form of shares) and will then begin earning substantial money if this thing blows up (and I have nothing to lose if it doesn’t.)
2) Simplicity - I use the Internet just as I always have… I just get paid to do it!
3) Getting my share! - I like the idea of getting my share of all the billions of wealth being created on the Internet – even if I am not going to be a millionaire because of this.
The company has a very solid privacy structure in place, so your information won’t be shared and you won’t start receiving loads of spam. AND, you can earn for not only the time you spend on the net, but for the time your FRIENDS spend on the net. Think about it: you’re driving users to the site, so the company earns more, and you, in turn, earn more. Fair and square, right? I used the AGLOCO member calculator – I can get over 5,000 shares a month if I sign up 10 good people who recruit more new members; and, once the site has grown enough, I will start earning actual checks.
SIGN UP NOW – this is the key! Remember that you can maximize your earnings by getting referrals to the site… and YOU want to be the one referring everyone!
Here is a link to sign up – it has my ID code in it.
"For those who were online in 1999, you may remember the very first "Get paid to surf" program. It was called AllAdvantage. Basically, by displaying the AllAdvantage toolbar while you surfed, you got paid.
And when you referred people to the program and they surfed, you got paid.
It worked VERY well, except that the management team at the company messed up the opportunity.
Don't get me wrong. I earned THOUSANDS with this program. And it was incredibly viral.
Since then, I've been waiting for a similar opportunity to arrive.
It just has!
Here's the deal.
Agloco promises to pay you to do what you normally do - use your browser to surf the web. And, if you tell your friends about it, you both with earn money.
And totally free to join.
What happens when you sign up for Agloco is simple: you install a piece of software on your computer that displays a small Viewbar below your current web browser window. That Viewbar has ads on it that change based on where you surf. If you go to a fishing site, you might see ads for fishing. If you go to a news site, you might see ads for blogs, just like you do now with ads from Google and Yahoo.
You don't have to click on the ads, you don't have to stare at the Viewbar, you just have to have it up and running. You get paid money for every hour it's open. Further, you get paid for every hour that your friends view the Viewbar. And your money extends 5 levels deep - you, signing up friends who sign up their friends who sign up their friends who sign
up their friends who sign up their friends, and you make money at every level.
This makes for a great fundraiser for your company, organization, troupe, theater, or website - sign up with the link below, then organize your membership or web visitors to sign up under you - you can designate that the money go to whatever payee you want.
And the money adds up fast.
Say you have 5 people you end up signing up, and they sign up 5 people each.
That's 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 3125 people that are surfing and making money for themselves...and for you. And remember, it's absolutely free to be an Agloco member.
Here's the signup URL again - it will take you right to the Agloco site:
There's a lot more to what you can do with your Agloco membership - you can get shares in the company, you can give your earned money to your favorite charity and more.
There is never a guarantee that a business model will succeed, but my radar is fine-tuned to watch for opportunities that can make you money online.
The toolbar is currently in beta, so you want to get as many people as possible signed up for the release NOW!
Don't miss this.
To your success,
Nov 22, 2006
Update From 12by12
Hi Everybody,
We have not had an update for a while, so I thought it was time to let you know where we are at, and where we are going.
Firstly, a warm welcome to all the new members (and there are plenty of you). Many of you will not have seen an update like this before so, please take the time to click on the link on your members page and check back through a couple of the back issues. You will probably find some info there that is not explained clearly in the faqs or terms. Also take the time to visit the forum. There are many helpful people in there who can answer any questions you may have, and any important updates are also posted there.
The Good News.
12by12daily continues to grow, and is now the undisputed number 1 in the autosurf industry. Despite a few trying times in the beginning, and a few script glitches that we are still working on, we continue to pay, and pay, ontime, everytime. Our membership is growing everyday, and currently stands at 35000. Our alexa rating has gone through the roof, and we are currently among the top 2500 visited websites on the internet. Btw, it is nice to see some of the earlier members who jumped ship in the beginning, returning to the fold, and receiving payouts. If you follow the transaction id numbers in your account, you will see that we will very soon make our 100,000th cashout. You should all feel very proud of our achievements, and feel confident in promoting 12by12daily as the very best there is.
Improvements. We are constantly working behind the scenes making improvements to the website. If you have had to use the contact link recently you will notice a dropdown with a list of subject headings. This has been in place for about a week now, and has dramatically improved the response times for email replies. It has also enabled me to prioritise the emails, and process the important ones, such as missing payments, or hacked egold accounts, much quicker than I previously did. Please choose the correct heading when contacting us to ensure the most efficient processing of your request.
We are working very hard to complete the process of fixing the problems relating to incorrect cash balances, and pending payout amounts. Most of these problems stem back to the early times when we had a lot of server issues and many members were not able to surf everyday as required. In my generosity, I stated then, that all members would be paid for all 12 days whether they surfed or not. This created further problems in that area, as we corrected the pending payouts we messed up the rest of the info. I fear a lot of members have been taking advantage of this situation, and not bothering to surf. In order to get the database fixed we need to stop that practise, or we will never get it fixed. From now on you must surf everyday, as per the faqs, to be paid for that day. We should then be able to have the database totally fixed sometime within the next three weeks. (One full cycle)
Many members have asked me about the possibility of owning more than one account. I will look at this in certain circumstances, subject to strict conditions, however there is an easier solution. As of now, the maximum account level permitted will be lifted from $6,000 to $12,000. In most cases that will alleviate the need for multiple accounts. Now we can truly be called 12by12by12daily.
Referral commissions are continuing to be paid daily. Ok, I admit, I might miss a day here or there, but most days we pay referral commissions. For the new members who may not have read the previous updates, we pay referral commission approximately once per month. This has 3 benefits. 1. When you get yours it is a nice surprise and a larger amount than if we paid it with your upgrades. 2. It does not corrupt the database by confusing with your upgrades. This was particularly a problem when members have more than one upgrade running at the same time. 3. It also enables me to protect your money by catching the cheaters before they get paid. If you visit the forum and go to the "Post here when you have been paid referral commision" thread, you will be able to see where we are up to at any given time.
The Bad News
There is not too much bad news. As you know, we were the subject of a failed hacker attempt about ten days ago. This, in itself is not bad news, because it highlighted the ability of the security we have in place to foil such attempts. The bad news is that when we tried to restore those members egold account numbers to the correct numbers, we found too many members with upgrades coming from two or more egold accounts. We also found too many egold numbers linked to more than one 12by12daily account. This has resulted in much more checking needed prior to, and during payouts. The members concerned will have had their payouts delayed while we sort out the issues, and unfortunately a few innocent members have been caught in the crossfire and had their payouts delayed by a few hours as well. I apologise to the members who were affected in this way. Please read the terms and faqs. Each account must have its own unique egold account. If you are tempted to use your account!
to upgrade your wife/brother/friend etc, then don't. I believe I am the only autosurf that allows members to refer their family members, but it is clearly stated in the terms and faqs, that each account must have its own egold account and email address. Upgrading with a different egold account is a breach of the terms, and could result in you losing any referral commission earned. Lets be fair here, you cannot earn referral commission from your own money.
The other bad news does not concern 12by12daily directly, but I am totally disappointed at the number of members who have allowed their egold accounts to be robbed. I won't use the word hacked, here, because it is impossible to hack an egold account. Egold accounts are accessed by third parties, by the owner of those accounts inadvertently giving away their login details. This may happen by having your email account hacked, it may happen by clicking on a link in an email pretending to be from egold, or it may happen by allowing a trojan onto your pc, which will empty your egold account as soon as you login. For goodness sakes, people, protect your money. Make sure you use the highest security settings on your egold account, and always request a pin by email to login. Make sure your computer is protected by using antivirus and antispyware software, and by keeping it up to date. If you haven't got ewido (Now known as AVG antispyware), then get it, and run it before ever!
ytime you open your egold account. If this has happened to you, I do feel for you, but I am amazed that with the amount of information available, people will not protect their own money.
I am sorry to end on such a sombre note, but as you can see from the above news 12by12daily has provided a wonderful opportunity for many people, and it saddens me to see the benefits being stolen from under our noses.
Happy surfing
Well what can i say
im still a happy camper here
hoping to stay with them througout
We have not had an update for a while, so I thought it was time to let you know where we are at, and where we are going.
Firstly, a warm welcome to all the new members (and there are plenty of you). Many of you will not have seen an update like this before so, please take the time to click on the link on your members page and check back through a couple of the back issues. You will probably find some info there that is not explained clearly in the faqs or terms. Also take the time to visit the forum. There are many helpful people in there who can answer any questions you may have, and any important updates are also posted there.
The Good News.
12by12daily continues to grow, and is now the undisputed number 1 in the autosurf industry. Despite a few trying times in the beginning, and a few script glitches that we are still working on, we continue to pay, and pay, ontime, everytime. Our membership is growing everyday, and currently stands at 35000. Our alexa rating has gone through the roof, and we are currently among the top 2500 visited websites on the internet. Btw, it is nice to see some of the earlier members who jumped ship in the beginning, returning to the fold, and receiving payouts. If you follow the transaction id numbers in your account, you will see that we will very soon make our 100,000th cashout. You should all feel very proud of our achievements, and feel confident in promoting 12by12daily as the very best there is.
Improvements. We are constantly working behind the scenes making improvements to the website. If you have had to use the contact link recently you will notice a dropdown with a list of subject headings. This has been in place for about a week now, and has dramatically improved the response times for email replies. It has also enabled me to prioritise the emails, and process the important ones, such as missing payments, or hacked egold accounts, much quicker than I previously did. Please choose the correct heading when contacting us to ensure the most efficient processing of your request.
We are working very hard to complete the process of fixing the problems relating to incorrect cash balances, and pending payout amounts. Most of these problems stem back to the early times when we had a lot of server issues and many members were not able to surf everyday as required. In my generosity, I stated then, that all members would be paid for all 12 days whether they surfed or not. This created further problems in that area, as we corrected the pending payouts we messed up the rest of the info. I fear a lot of members have been taking advantage of this situation, and not bothering to surf. In order to get the database fixed we need to stop that practise, or we will never get it fixed. From now on you must surf everyday, as per the faqs, to be paid for that day. We should then be able to have the database totally fixed sometime within the next three weeks. (One full cycle)
Many members have asked me about the possibility of owning more than one account. I will look at this in certain circumstances, subject to strict conditions, however there is an easier solution. As of now, the maximum account level permitted will be lifted from $6,000 to $12,000. In most cases that will alleviate the need for multiple accounts. Now we can truly be called 12by12by12daily.
Referral commissions are continuing to be paid daily. Ok, I admit, I might miss a day here or there, but most days we pay referral commissions. For the new members who may not have read the previous updates, we pay referral commission approximately once per month. This has 3 benefits. 1. When you get yours it is a nice surprise and a larger amount than if we paid it with your upgrades. 2. It does not corrupt the database by confusing with your upgrades. This was particularly a problem when members have more than one upgrade running at the same time. 3. It also enables me to protect your money by catching the cheaters before they get paid. If you visit the forum and go to the "Post here when you have been paid referral commision" thread, you will be able to see where we are up to at any given time.
The Bad News
There is not too much bad news. As you know, we were the subject of a failed hacker attempt about ten days ago. This, in itself is not bad news, because it highlighted the ability of the security we have in place to foil such attempts. The bad news is that when we tried to restore those members egold account numbers to the correct numbers, we found too many members with upgrades coming from two or more egold accounts. We also found too many egold numbers linked to more than one 12by12daily account. This has resulted in much more checking needed prior to, and during payouts. The members concerned will have had their payouts delayed while we sort out the issues, and unfortunately a few innocent members have been caught in the crossfire and had their payouts delayed by a few hours as well. I apologise to the members who were affected in this way. Please read the terms and faqs. Each account must have its own unique egold account. If you are tempted to use your account!
to upgrade your wife/brother/friend etc, then don't. I believe I am the only autosurf that allows members to refer their family members, but it is clearly stated in the terms and faqs, that each account must have its own egold account and email address. Upgrading with a different egold account is a breach of the terms, and could result in you losing any referral commission earned. Lets be fair here, you cannot earn referral commission from your own money.
The other bad news does not concern 12by12daily directly, but I am totally disappointed at the number of members who have allowed their egold accounts to be robbed. I won't use the word hacked, here, because it is impossible to hack an egold account. Egold accounts are accessed by third parties, by the owner of those accounts inadvertently giving away their login details. This may happen by having your email account hacked, it may happen by clicking on a link in an email pretending to be from egold, or it may happen by allowing a trojan onto your pc, which will empty your egold account as soon as you login. For goodness sakes, people, protect your money. Make sure you use the highest security settings on your egold account, and always request a pin by email to login. Make sure your computer is protected by using antivirus and antispyware software, and by keeping it up to date. If you haven't got ewido (Now known as AVG antispyware), then get it, and run it before ever!
ytime you open your egold account. If this has happened to you, I do feel for you, but I am amazed that with the amount of information available, people will not protect their own money.
I am sorry to end on such a sombre note, but as you can see from the above news 12by12daily has provided a wonderful opportunity for many people, and it saddens me to see the benefits being stolen from under our noses.
Happy surfing
Well what can i say
im still a happy camper here
hoping to stay with them througout
Nov 21, 2006
Private (Chariots Of Fire)
Yes the long awaited program has finally been launched
Greats Balls Of Fire!!
Hi everyone,
This is the long awaited program that some of you have been waiting.
Well, i hope what you'll find here is a BREATH OF FRESH AIR!
Chariots Of Fire is a program design to built with the members in mind & built to last. As we dont require NEW
SPENDS/DEPOSITORS to sustain GROWTH, we're not PONZI in nature. We INVEST members $$$ in various offline/online investments vehicles.
Only 50 members in the 1st month so that we can control the growth here.
Basically, there's 2 LOAN plans.
15 days - 125%
30 days - 160%
Payout is within 48hrs after expiry of ea. plan.
The rates here are only INTRODUCTORY & it's going to be a variable rate from month to month.
Max. SPEND/DEPOSIT : $10,000
ONLY SPEND IN MULTIPLES OF $50. Any amount under $50 will be treated as a donation.
ONLY 1 e-gold account ALLOWED!
All info. regarding FAQ, TOS & the e-gold account to spend to will only be available through email.
So for those who are interested pls email or chat with me in MSN
where i can give u the rest of the details if ur interested
Greats Balls Of Fire!!
Hi everyone,
This is the long awaited program that some of you have been waiting.
Well, i hope what you'll find here is a BREATH OF FRESH AIR!
Chariots Of Fire is a program design to built with the members in mind & built to last. As we dont require NEW
SPENDS/DEPOSITORS to sustain GROWTH, we're not PONZI in nature. We INVEST members $$$ in various offline/online investments vehicles.
Only 50 members in the 1st month so that we can control the growth here.
Basically, there's 2 LOAN plans.
15 days - 125%
30 days - 160%
Payout is within 48hrs after expiry of ea. plan.
The rates here are only INTRODUCTORY & it's going to be a variable rate from month to month.
Max. SPEND/DEPOSIT : $10,000
ONLY SPEND IN MULTIPLES OF $50. Any amount under $50 will be treated as a donation.
ONLY 1 e-gold account ALLOWED!
All info. regarding FAQ, TOS & the e-gold account to spend to will only be available through email.
So for those who are interested pls email or chat with me in MSN
where i can give u the rest of the details if ur interested
Nov 19, 2006
Bets29 Gone! Finally In The Finer Things
for those who are still wishing that bets29 would be back
Well.. GET A LIFE! Its GONE!
That scammer will be ##@#@ upside down!
After contemplating
I guess in the end i will still be joining The Finer Things
Heard nothing but good things about them.
However its a HYIP so always play what you can afford to lose
"We are expecting a short downtime around November 18 11:00 PM EST as the datacenter moves to a dedicated power supply.
We are not anticipating being offline for any great period of time.
You can keep up to date at the forum at
for those who are still wishing that bets29 would be back
Well.. GET A LIFE! Its GONE!
That scammer will be ##@#@ upside down!
After contemplating
I guess in the end i will still be joining The Finer Things
Heard nothing but good things about them.
However its a HYIP so always play what you can afford to lose
"We are expecting a short downtime around November 18 11:00 PM EST as the datacenter moves to a dedicated power supply.
We are not anticipating being offline for any great period of time.
You can keep up to date at the forum at
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