Mar 3, 2007
DeserkSkyMarketing Closes
Sad to read about it
but DSM has closed
here is what cause it
As you know, I'm always open with my members about the status of DesertSky Marketing. There has been a mass exodus from DesertSky Marketing ever since the daily percentage dropped from 10% to 9.43%. You can see from the statistics page the daily advertising sales have plummeted. The figures for today are on track to be less than half of what it was yesterday. Obviously, the majority of the members do not want DSM to continue. This really is such a shame. DSM created a program that would have been able to sustain 5-6%, but the majority of the members did not want to support it when the percentage started to drop.
DSM does have real outside income and a sufficient reserve fund. We are going to continue with our master plan and move forward with a private, invitation only program. The members who are invited and choose to participate will enjoy the benefits of DSM's master plan.
Since it is apparent that the majority of the members do not want to participate in DSM as we know it today, I have decided to close DSM. I'm disheartened and disappointed that it has come to this. We do have an exit strategy where no member will lose money! Over the next week, we will have our programmer create an audit script to figure the amount due for each member.
DSM will compute refunds in the following way:
- Total real cash upgrades (upgrades from AlertPay, Egold, or CEPtrust) minus total paid cashouts = refund amount due
- If you are already in profit, you will not receive any more funds from DSM
- Members who continued to support DSM by upgrading after the percentage dropped will receive a 10% bonus along with their refund
- Members who continued to support DSM by upgrading after the percentage dropped will receive their refunds first
- All other refunds will be paid in member ID order, from lowest member ID number to highest member ID number
I've turned upgrades off as well as disabled the cashout button. I've also stopped processing cashout requests until we complete the account audits. As soon as the audit is completed, we will post a page on our site that shows the member number, and the refund amount you will be receiving. The list will be in the order in which the members will be paid. DSM will then immediately begin making payments. Payments will be made each business day until all members are refunded.
--- How did we get to this point? Several factors came into play that brought us to this point: ---
- Referral commissions was one. A good handful of members upgraded with minimum upgrades and built a huge downline. They didn't support the program they were recommending to their downline. Most not even surfing, but managed to login every day to withdraw their referral commissions. We have new code that will correct this referral commission issue. This new code will be passed to the companies that lease the DSM script.
- Once we reduced the referral commissions to correct the abuse, these same members who gained so much, started moving their downline to other programs. Not because DSM was a bad program, but because they could no longer milk the system and fill their own pockets.
- Once the daily percentage fell below the max of 10% (which we all knew it would eventually do), the majority of the members bailed. This is evident by looking at the program statistics. This is an unfortunate event because of so many programs burning members in the past. The community, as a whole, is not willing to stand by an honest program. Because of so many past programs that have scammed and/or failed, members jump at the slightest challenge. This is not so much a member problem, but it is an industry problem.
--- What can you do in the future? ---
- Support programs that are run by honest admins. Not just when the daily percentage is high.
- Pull your profit out along the way. This way when the daily percentage drops a bit, you will not be in a panic and withdraw all your funds, thus making the percentage drop even more.
- Sign up under the program link, not some referral whore. This benefits the majority more than a select few. Does your upline recommend a program because it is a good program, or do they recommend the program to make a killing off of your work? Do they upgrade as much as they encourage you to?
- Realize what a good percentage is; 2% per day is an awesome return, even 1% per day is better than you can find in any bank.
Please understand the business model did NOT fail. The business model is a solid one, especially with real outside income. However, a key component is sales. If sales drop to near nothing, then there will be near nothing to "share" with the members. This is what happened with DSM, and rather than let it die a slow, long death, we are going to stop the bleeding and make everyone whole.
I encourage you to support 4newbiesMarketing, Lucreshares, and a couple more that will be coming online very soon. These programs do have real outside income. If their daily percentage drops from the max, don't bail on them. Realize what a realistic daily percentage is and continue to work the program to make a reasonable monthly profit.
I am attending classes this weekend (Thursday - Sunday), so will not be online that much. This is the reason this email is coming so late. I hate to ask you for patience, but please be patient and we will post on the site next week the refund amounts so you will know the amount you are going to receive. We will also leave the support ticket system open so if you disagree with the amount you can submit a ticket and we will double-check our records and make any necessary adjustments to your refund amount.
I thank you for participating in DSM and wish you the best in your online endeavors.
Happy Surfing,
DesertSky Marketing
but DSM has closed
here is what cause it
As you know, I'm always open with my members about the status of DesertSky Marketing. There has been a mass exodus from DesertSky Marketing ever since the daily percentage dropped from 10% to 9.43%. You can see from the statistics page the daily advertising sales have plummeted. The figures for today are on track to be less than half of what it was yesterday. Obviously, the majority of the members do not want DSM to continue. This really is such a shame. DSM created a program that would have been able to sustain 5-6%, but the majority of the members did not want to support it when the percentage started to drop.
DSM does have real outside income and a sufficient reserve fund. We are going to continue with our master plan and move forward with a private, invitation only program. The members who are invited and choose to participate will enjoy the benefits of DSM's master plan.
Since it is apparent that the majority of the members do not want to participate in DSM as we know it today, I have decided to close DSM. I'm disheartened and disappointed that it has come to this. We do have an exit strategy where no member will lose money! Over the next week, we will have our programmer create an audit script to figure the amount due for each member.
DSM will compute refunds in the following way:
- Total real cash upgrades (upgrades from AlertPay, Egold, or CEPtrust) minus total paid cashouts = refund amount due
- If you are already in profit, you will not receive any more funds from DSM
- Members who continued to support DSM by upgrading after the percentage dropped will receive a 10% bonus along with their refund
- Members who continued to support DSM by upgrading after the percentage dropped will receive their refunds first
- All other refunds will be paid in member ID order, from lowest member ID number to highest member ID number
I've turned upgrades off as well as disabled the cashout button. I've also stopped processing cashout requests until we complete the account audits. As soon as the audit is completed, we will post a page on our site that shows the member number, and the refund amount you will be receiving. The list will be in the order in which the members will be paid. DSM will then immediately begin making payments. Payments will be made each business day until all members are refunded.
--- How did we get to this point? Several factors came into play that brought us to this point: ---
- Referral commissions was one. A good handful of members upgraded with minimum upgrades and built a huge downline. They didn't support the program they were recommending to their downline. Most not even surfing, but managed to login every day to withdraw their referral commissions. We have new code that will correct this referral commission issue. This new code will be passed to the companies that lease the DSM script.
- Once we reduced the referral commissions to correct the abuse, these same members who gained so much, started moving their downline to other programs. Not because DSM was a bad program, but because they could no longer milk the system and fill their own pockets.
- Once the daily percentage fell below the max of 10% (which we all knew it would eventually do), the majority of the members bailed. This is evident by looking at the program statistics. This is an unfortunate event because of so many programs burning members in the past. The community, as a whole, is not willing to stand by an honest program. Because of so many past programs that have scammed and/or failed, members jump at the slightest challenge. This is not so much a member problem, but it is an industry problem.
--- What can you do in the future? ---
- Support programs that are run by honest admins. Not just when the daily percentage is high.
- Pull your profit out along the way. This way when the daily percentage drops a bit, you will not be in a panic and withdraw all your funds, thus making the percentage drop even more.
- Sign up under the program link, not some referral whore. This benefits the majority more than a select few. Does your upline recommend a program because it is a good program, or do they recommend the program to make a killing off of your work? Do they upgrade as much as they encourage you to?
- Realize what a good percentage is; 2% per day is an awesome return, even 1% per day is better than you can find in any bank.
Please understand the business model did NOT fail. The business model is a solid one, especially with real outside income. However, a key component is sales. If sales drop to near nothing, then there will be near nothing to "share" with the members. This is what happened with DSM, and rather than let it die a slow, long death, we are going to stop the bleeding and make everyone whole.
I encourage you to support 4newbiesMarketing, Lucreshares, and a couple more that will be coming online very soon. These programs do have real outside income. If their daily percentage drops from the max, don't bail on them. Realize what a realistic daily percentage is and continue to work the program to make a reasonable monthly profit.
I am attending classes this weekend (Thursday - Sunday), so will not be online that much. This is the reason this email is coming so late. I hate to ask you for patience, but please be patient and we will post on the site next week the refund amounts so you will know the amount you are going to receive. We will also leave the support ticket system open so if you disagree with the amount you can submit a ticket and we will double-check our records and make any necessary adjustments to your refund amount.
I thank you for participating in DSM and wish you the best in your online endeavors.
Happy Surfing,
DesertSky Marketing
Mar 1, 2007
Cool RPG like HYIP
go check it out
it is still in the Pre-Launch though
so keep a lookout here
This will be a profit model sharing of 150% ROI
with referral commission of 5%
As the saying goes "There is never too much money"
At LightHalzen, you have an option to maximise your profits in a minimum amount of time by just upgrading your knight level.
You may check your knight level status in your member's area.
All first time investors will be given the status Young Knight.
As a Young Knight, you will be entitled to 100% of Daily LSP for your first payout.
Once you have gotten your first payout [100% of Daily LSP], your status will automatically be changed to Dark Knight, which means you will
only be entitled to 50% of Daily LSP for the next payout.
If you're not satisfied with being just a Dark Knight, earning only 50% of Daily LSP, and wish to earn faster and more, you may choose to
upgrade your knight level.
Following your upgrade, your status will be updated immediately in your member's area.
Please bear in mind your upgrade is only effective for the day of upgrade itself.
Everyday after payouts, everyone would become a Dark Knight again.
You will need to upgrade once more, if you wish to continue enjoying the benefits of being a White Knight or a Supreme Knight.
And please remember that this upgrade is not compulsory as you may choose to remain as a Dark Knight. It's just that, you will be earning 2X
slower compared to those who chose to upgrade.
So, for those who upgraded, you will be gaining maximum profits in the minimum amount of time.
So what are you waiting for?
Upgrade your knight level today.
Feb 28, 2007
HYWD Newsletter for Feb, 27 '07
This is the latest news from High Yield Weekly Digest
HYWD Digest Feb 27th, 2007
Peter from eTalkMoney has published an interesting Mrs Vee about new matrix program
Psyko is giving some useful advice - How to win in Ponzi/Game HYIPs/Autosurfs
Looks like there is some movement around MoneyMovesAsia, because Jude has published Some Updates
Have you invested in InfinityShares? If so, you'll be happy that InfinityShares is...
Fast Review: Investment Pro
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Hall Of Fame & Hall Of Shame
To Jude from NoBSHYIP for providing informaiton and assisting investors with so many things
To U-pie for paying great profits all the time. Regardless if their program is real or not.
To our referral C.L. who won 50 bucks from InfiniteLotto with only 100 tickets invested. And to InfiniteLotto for providing such...
Victoria Picks: Autosurf & HYIP
by Victoria Kovac
I noticed this site a week ago when reading Tony's picks for our "HYWD digest". They had published analysis on our interview with Please Invest and we liked them. After reading other articles from the blog, I liked it even more :-)
So here's Autosurf & HYIP featured...
Fast Review: Cobex Trade
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Online Scams - Top 5 Scams Revealed
By Eric Gabriel Walker
Scams are becoming bigger and bigger in the online society. Everywhere you turn there seems to be a new program promising you millions or things you could only dream of. I am here today to point out just a few of these scams to help you save...
Fast Review: HallBank
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Bollinger Bands - An Essential Tool For Bigger Profits
by sacha tarkovsky
If you have read our article on standard deviation of price you will understand why this concept is essential for all traders and a great way of applying the theory is the Bollinger band.
Bollinger bands are simple to use and are available free on many chart services on...
HYWD Digest Feb 27th, 2007
Peter from eTalkMoney has published an interesting Mrs Vee about new matrix program
Psyko is giving some useful advice - How to win in Ponzi/Game HYIPs/Autosurfs
Looks like there is some movement around MoneyMovesAsia, because Jude has published Some Updates
Have you invested in InfinityShares? If so, you'll be happy that InfinityShares is...
Fast Review: Investment Pro
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Hall Of Fame & Hall Of Shame
To Jude from NoBSHYIP for providing informaiton and assisting investors with so many things
To U-pie for paying great profits all the time. Regardless if their program is real or not.
To our referral C.L. who won 50 bucks from InfiniteLotto with only 100 tickets invested. And to InfiniteLotto for providing such...
Victoria Picks: Autosurf & HYIP
by Victoria Kovac
I noticed this site a week ago when reading Tony's picks for our "HYWD digest". They had published analysis on our interview with Please Invest and we liked them. After reading other articles from the blog, I liked it even more :-)
So here's Autosurf & HYIP featured...
Fast Review: Cobex Trade
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Online Scams - Top 5 Scams Revealed
By Eric Gabriel Walker
Scams are becoming bigger and bigger in the online society. Everywhere you turn there seems to be a new program promising you millions or things you could only dream of. I am here today to point out just a few of these scams to help you save...
Fast Review: HallBank
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Bollinger Bands - An Essential Tool For Bigger Profits
by sacha tarkovsky
If you have read our article on standard deviation of price you will understand why this concept is essential for all traders and a great way of applying the theory is the Bollinger band.
Bollinger bands are simple to use and are available free on many chart services on...
Feb 27, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year & Paid By COF
Happy Chinese New Year
Finally my gmail is back and i am able to update on my blog
Glad to say i have been paid again by COF

and will be waiting more payment from PTSM & 9PNS
I recently also just joined 4newbiesmarketing
Higher ROIs and Referral Commission than Desertskymarketing
but neverthesless both are still my favourite
Admin is Israel from CommandCorps with 3 sites already under his name
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