Dec 30, 2006

Vacation Holiday with A New 2007 Year

Happy New Year

After a very BLACK december
Finally Blueheavenmails & TFT has close their doors
sadly though we all have to take precaution while investing

Alright man
I am off to a vacation to Thailand and will be back on the 7th Jan.

Be Hold the incoming Year of Harvest 2007!!
More new sites better than ever
Best Wishes to All

Dec 24, 2006

Paid By COF & Merry Xmas


Finally a Great Xmas Gift
As expected from COF
Paid by them right on time

Do not have much news since the Top 2 Autosurfs
12by12 & 13dailypro demise.
Will not be doing any Autosurf or Hyip
for this Black Dec.

Have a great NEW YEAR ahead
Let Us Welcome 2007!!

Dec 20, 2006

ManicAds Next Big Thing

If you guys are just wondering if ManicAds is just any ordinary Autosurf
well .. your are damn wrong..
It has a whole lot of new adds on n features
which help allow you to enjoy to your heart content

This is how it goes:


Simple explanation

  • Earnings are based on a 90% revenue share. 90% of all profits are paid back out to members that surf.

  • You may view the previous daily earnings and the overall average earnings for a good estimation of how much you will earn.

Advanced explanation

  • All earnings are updated in real time. Our system is unique in that it is ever adjusting itself according to the number of adpacks, members, cashouts, deposits and earnings paid.

  • The average earnings are displayed under the Earnings link in the General tab.

  • Members will usually earn within '+' or '-' 5% of the average earnings.

  • Earnings should never be at an extreme low (under 1%) or an extreme high (over 20%)

  • Why do people earn different amounts?

  • The system automatically adjusts itself so there is never a huge earnings rise or drop. Many profit share surfs start with high earnings and slowly drop.

  • Our program will adjust its own earnings accordingly so the the overall average will remain close the the previous days earnings along with the average of all past earnings.

  • Since earnings are updated in real time (not a midnight each night) one member may earn 8% the next member that surfs may earn 8.5 and the next 7.8. The reason this happens is because the system is adjusting itself so that each members daily earnings, each members overall earnings, your personal daily earnings, your personal overall earnings, the over average daily earnings and the overall site lifetime average earnings remain at a comparative level and it is doing this instantly with every surf, cashout and purchase.

  • Also while you may have been earning a steady 8% and the overall average site earnings have been 9% you may see that you all of a sudden start earning 11 or 12% while others earn 8% this is because the system is trying to compensate your earnings to match the overall site earnings along with each other members average earnings.

  • All of this is done to keep an earnings pool reservoir.

  • Once again all earnings are updated instantly and automatically, no waiting until midnight to surf, no waiting until midnight to see how much you earned, no waiting until midnight to see what the earnings will be.

  • The system automatically calculates and actually learns with each surf, deposit, purchase, earning and cashout and uses this to figure earnings % from the earnings pool reservoir.

Last HYWD Issue?

... was Issue 78. Yes, there will be no more issues. But we are not closing or anything like that :) We are just resutructured the ezine. If you want to know more about that, please see So what happened with HYWD?.

If you don't care about that, you can just check the articles published since the last update:

- Are You Investing Correctly?
- How To Have A Guaranteed Income- For Life!
- Pricing your Trades to Win at BetonMarkets
- Fast Review: Charge Invest
- Victoria Picks: Don't Work For Money
- Fast Review: CVFI, Private Investment Program
- Speed Linking - Dec 18th 2006
- So what happened with HYWD?

Dec 19, 2006


Im sad to say 12by12 is finally close
well.. the month of DEC really sux doesnt it?

Here is what dave has to say

Hi Everybody,

This is the hardest update I have ever had to write. 12by12daily is now closed. I have done everything in my power to keep both sites operating, but, at the end of the day, if theres is no money coming in, then there is nothing to pay out. Since the launch of 12by12daily I have been working up to 18 hours a day 7 days a week to make this a success. Some of you will appreciate the effort I have put in, others will not. During that time, we have been subjected to some enormous obstacles. Right from day 1 we were subjected to extortion threats, which we did not bow down to. This resulted in our site being attacked by massive ddos attacks, which we were eventually able to repel. It also resulted in our database being totally corrupted due to my attempts to pay everybody for they days they had been unable to surf. We have still been unable to totally correct these errors. Worse than that, it also started a massive campaign of negativity in the forums, resulting in a lack of confidence, and complaints to egold, which saw my egold account blocked. We were able to get through these problems, and make 12by12daily a successful site for a time. Just when we thought we had things back on an even keel, it all started again. First we were hacked, and a number of members had their egold account numbers changed. This took a few days to sort out, but it was the beginning of the lack of confidence shown by members. I could have announced then, that we were in trouble, but I preferred to fix the problem, rather than aggravate it. I announced an increase in the maximum allowable upgrades, and a number of other positive signs about 12by12daily. This worked well for one day, until some unsupportive members announced to the world that we had a cashflow problem. Some others even emailed their downline telling them not to make any further upgrades. The action of these members was probably the single most influential factor in the downfall of 12by12daily. Many of you are familiar with what happens when there is a run on a bank, well the same thing happens in an autosurf program. I had to make changes in payout rules to protect us from that, which I did. This also had a positive effect for a few days, until we got hacked again. This time the hacker got away with a large sum of money. This in itself would not have been enough to bring us down, but it was followed up with another sabotage attempt, whereby we were bombarded with phoney upgrades for a period of about 4 days. Almost every member had at least one of these phoney upgrades added to their account, and by the time we got that problem solved, I could see the level of confidence decreasing by the day. From a position where we would have been able to save the site, Upgrades were becoming less and less each day, until they are now at virtually zero. I have continued to make payouts in that time, in the hope that it might turn around, and I will continue to make payouts over the next few hours, until there is nothing left in my egold account.

I am truly sorry about this situation. I am not a scammer, and I have not stolen and run away with your money. Every penny made from 12by12daily has been put back into the program to make payments, and to make some payments at dadndaves. I am a good person who has been hit with circumstances I cannot control. I believe the majority of members will understand this, and accept that I have done everything I could to keep the program going. There will be a rabble rousing minority who will not accept it, and will go screaming in the forums etc for revenge. If any of those members should be considering legal means to recoup any losses, I would remind them of the terms agreed to upon joining. (Relevant paragraphs printed below) Each member, upon joining ticked a box to say they had read and understood the terms and conditions. This constitutes a digital signature, which is then a legally binding document. If you still wish to pursue this avenue, then I should also tell you there is no money left. Every penny I have made from 12by12daily has been put back into the program,

In closing I would like to thank all the members that have supported me over the last couple of years. It is your support that has enabled me to continue as long as I have. I have been shattered by this, and it is highly unlikely that you will ever see me with an internet business again.


XLO is Back In Action

After 3 days because of DDOS it has return
here is the latest update from Andy

XLO members should be able to surf again today - and you may use OR Both connect to the same back end - but the plan is if one is not working the other one will be. There is more work to do - but I know you want to get back surfing.

Three days has been added to unexpired upgrades. That means that the last three days were a holiday and we will not be "making up" for them - the time is added to the end.

As you would all be aware TFT payouts have been continuing as per normal - many of you have utilised the "spend direct" option; this certainly gets around any issues that there may be there.

Once more thank you for your patience.


Dec 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Andy & XLO

Congrats to Andy & XLO on their 1 yr Anniversary

Great job there!

It is our birthday and we celebrate what few (if any) other sites have achieved. One full year of surfing and daily instant payouts.

You are part of history and it is only fitting that we give back to our member base - who have supported us throughout this time.

What we are going to do is provide our members with some free upgrades, as a token of our appreciation. As we have done previously - this is a NO purchase required. A download was taken of the member profile at the start of today and that is what we are basing our calculations on.

What we are doing is as follows:

Members with $25 - $99 worth of active upgrades will receive one free extra upgrade - value $5.00
Members with $100 - $499 worth of active upgrades will receive two free extra upgrades - value $10.00
Members with $500 - $999 worth of active upgrades will receive three free extra upgrades - value $15.00
Members with $1000 - $2499 worth of active upgrades will receive five free extra upgrades - value $25.00
Members with $2500 - 4999 worth of active upgrades will receive ten free extra upgrades - value $50.00
Members with $5000 - 8500 worth of active upgrades will receive 15 free extra upgrades - value $75.00

Members above that level will get a cash bonus.

Dec 10, 2006

Dec - Month Of Death

Looks like the month of DEC is really a Death month
All payouts have either momentarily cease or permanent

I recently joined the latest talk in town & highly recommended by friends


Its a different type of model compared to other HYIP
Go have a look

ICC is reaching their goal of 100% soon hope to see some $$$ anytime next year

12by12 continues to payout but with the 50/50 rules
if you cannot upgrade you just gotta join in the queue to get paid
which can take up to more than 2 weeks

13dp having problems with their insufficient egold hope they get it solve asap.

PSX has yet to pay & i heard they will be starting payouts next week
we shall see

Lets see how this month will pass by

Dec 5, 2006

12by12 Updates Good OR Bad?

So what do you think of this news?
Good or Bad? Well you decide
I will monitor longer before i post my views on it

Hi Everybody,

Let me apologise for the lack of communication over the last 48 hours. I have not been able to access the admin section of 12by12daily, This meant that I have been unable to process any payouts, and I have also been unable to send or receive emails.


About a week or so ago I announced that we would now allow upgrades up to a maximum of $12,000. Supporters of 12by12daily saw this as a positive step,however a few detractors decided this meant that 12by12daily had a cashflow problem. By airing their views in public, they have done untold damage to 12by12daily, and whilst we did not have a cashflow problem at that time, things are getting a bit tight now. Up until now, I have resisted the advice of my team to introduce a 50/50 rule, as I believed there were enough supporters of the program to ensure that was not necessary. Unfortunately this was not the case, and we have a situation whereby members with large investments can make a $6 upgrade then take their money and run. This can no longer continue. As of now, if you wish to cashout you must have a member level equal to 50% of your cashout amount. I realise this is very short notice and some members may find it difficult, so I will bend the new rules slightly for som!
e members. If your upgrade expired on or before 24th November, and you do not qualify under the new rules, I will pay half of your cashout amount, and apply the other half to your account as a new free upgrade. These free upgrades will then need to be matched 100% in order to cash them out. (I will delay making payouts to those members for another 24 hours, in case they wish to upgrade, and therefore only need to match 50%) Upgrades expiring on the 25th or later will need to qualify under the new rules. I do apologise for any inconvenience caused to members by this sudden change, however, if we were to continue the way we were, the "hit and runners" would eventually destroy this opportunity. If you always upgrade with the same amount, or are using the 3x3x3 methond, these changes will not affect you. Whilst they may be unconfortable for some members, these rules will help 12by12daily to prosper for many months ahead, and in fact there is no good reason why it cannot las!
t forever.

Payouts will recommence as soon as I have sent this email, and the new rules should ensure that they gradually become earlier and earlier, back to where we were, instead of the current trend of later and later. members with 2 pendings who have reverted to free will not need to email me, as I will be adding the free members to the payout list, and I will be able to pick you up without the need for an email.

For those members who delight in posting negative things in the forums, remember, this is your program. We got through a period of negative forum posts in the beginning, when we had some problems, and we will get through this, and as before, come out even stronger on the other side. I would remind those members that they agreed to the following paragraph when they joined, and will have their accounts suspended or deleted if they continue.

You agree not to engage in conduct which will undermine the success of this program. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to spreading negative opinions of 12by12daily on forums, false advertising, false information or feedback posted on monitoring sites or other sites.


I believe we have the most secure autosurf site on the net. However one of the problems with being the biggest is that it creates a challenge for the lowlifes of this world, who feel it is quite okay to hack into websites and steal other peoples money. Almost daily we have people attempting to access our site, and in most cases we are able to thwart them. One guy, in particular, who I will grudgingly admit is very good at his craft, has been able to access the site on 3 occassions. The measures we have in place have been able to keep any damage caused by him to a minimum, but we have had to take the admin area offline for the last 2 days to further tighten our security. This is why I have been unable to process payouts, or send and receive emails in that time. We have been able to find an approximate location for this guy, and the FBI also have all the information and it is only a matter of time before we are able to pinpoint him, and prosecute. The main issue is th!
at he has been getting in through the banners file, and uploading some script that will change some members egold account numbers. This is also the reason that we have had major delays in fixing the accounts of those members who have used more than one egold account in the past. For some members, their first egold number is the correct one to pay to, but for others it is the last one. Our correction script will correct them all in one go, to either the first or last, but has no way of discerning which is the correct one. This has to be done manually. The banners have also been removed, as it is not possible to keep them, and block that security hole.

Thank you for listening, and your continued support.


Dec 4, 2006


PTSM has just payout
Not bad for a 10.10% for the month
You can check out their previous payouts so far

ICC send out mails regarding MPP upgrade plans have already reached their limit.
So no need to send them emails on them anymore

Currently i have requested a fastlane withdrawal from PSX
Forums have people already getting paid
Shall just wait for another 24hours to get paid
I will post a screenshot once i have it

Dec 3, 2006

Investment Capital Corp

If you guys still remember GPP, well ICC is some sort of the same but with better
stats to reach our common goal

So what is this all about?
Investment Capital Corp

If you have been scammed more than hundreds before
i guess by joining this small is a much more valuable amount

How does joining $39.95 earns you a $40,000?

A venture capital firm with 12 yrs experience in investment vehicles and finance will purchase a $200,000"pension plan" FOR YOU. It is actually an endowment policy which matures at age 65. They will turn around and buy the policy FROM YOU for $40,000--that's where the $40k comes from. They will now own the policy and they may do whatever they want to with it---keep it till maturity date where they will collect 200,000, sell it like stocks, bonds, commodities on the open market, etc. There is an active trading market in annuities worldwide--esp big in England---google it and you will see. They could also use these policies for collateral I would think. They will own 100,000 policies x $200,000 per policy at maturity. It will cost them on average around 80,000 per policy-40k to you and 40k to buy the annuity. So they will gross $120,000 PER POlicy--not 2 shabby. Plus when the program reaches 10,000 members and pays out--you will get $500 for EACH person you have signed up for the program. AND you will get $10 for each person you sign up as the program fills up--paid weekly.

PSX Finally Paying

This is great news if anyone still remembers PointShareExtreme(PSX)
Well they are finally paying after months.
Check out their forum whereby people get posting getting paid

Those who are interested in checking out you can email me for the invitation.
However it is not advisable yet to make deposits

Currently they have 2 kinds of withdrawal mode
One which requires you to pay 15% of your withdrawal sum but you will get paid within 24HRS
So what are you waiting for !
Existing PSX members Pls login & read your latest updates for more info

Great news so far...
Stay tune for more updates

Dec 2, 2006

Dani Johnson - Amateur or Professional You Decide

She is one of the powerful speaker i was introduced last time frm my upline

To all my downlines or readers
Words Of Wisdom
Check her out!!

Dec 1, 2006

Council of Gold ?

Check out the latest from High Yield Weekly Digest

Remember HYIP Everlasting9?
Well yea.... it wasn't really that everlasting aint it?
Tysin the admin has setup another site COG
I have members asking me on CouncilOfGold
All i can say is i WILL NOT join if i were you
Don't wanna waste much explaination if u seen the aftermath of E9 previously

Got paid by 12by12 & 13dp once again
Best sites currently
No doubts about that

Nov 27, 2006

Better Understanding Of Agloco

The MAIN difference from our usual autosurfing programs is that it is run via an installed toolbar similar to what Alexa or Google offers, it doesn't pay for daily surfing of fixed sites but for hourly presence of this toolbar in your computer which allows rotation of ads in it and the best part about this program is that it is totally free to join - no upgrades needed. Just signup, install the toolbar and leave it running for free cash. No need to click on anything or pay attention just do what you usually do when surfing the web with some google or alexa toolbar installed. There were other competitors like and it was found that those were purely spying sites, which i do not think anyone would want

Have a look at when it is installed:

The team behind this project includes 8 Stanford MBA's and AllAdvantage veterans: Carl Anderson and Jim Jorgenson. The sophistication of on-line commerce, better targeting technology following interests of users and showing only relevant ads similar to what Google Adsense is riding on - these things combined as result will make a hybrid of autosurf model we have right now in 12by12daily and other programs with time proven and fine tuned google adsense business model. News about this program are spreading like wildfire through blogs and mostly promoted by people who are not even aware of autosurfing industry including some big names in internet marketing world so this one will be treated as separate entity and will be following different rules of growth mostly because there is no membership fee and large potential for earnings. As estimated already 10000 members have signed up for it and this number will be growing exponentially over next few days. I think this one will be huge so don't wait and sign up for your toolbar of free cash. Sometimes Free is too Expensive...

Currently, the total maximum hours for earnings is set to 5 hours and the viewbar is still in beta testing but will be released to members shortly based on signup date. Earlier you join faster you can download toolbar and start earning. Hours will be counted only during active surfing so it could take several days to reach the limit of 5 hours and this limit could be changed.

So if you are interested in earning free money
Join me

Now i hope this helps everyone to understand even better
Thats all folks!

Paid by 12b12

Woho...nothing unusual
still getting paid by 12by12daily as usual

Im still waiting for my requested withdrawal with Eliteventures on the 11th
Apparently many commotion on whats going on within
i guess only time will tell whether this is going to be alive or dead soon.

Nov 24, 2006

Agloco Pays You To Surf - Free To Join

If you haven’t yet heard about AGLOCO, you need to listen up! This new company, founded by a bunch of Stanford MBA students, is creating quite a buzz. Their slogan is ‘Own the Internet’… and that’s what it’s about: you’re getting back some of the money you generate for e-businesses just by surfing as you usually do. Skeptical? Well, here’s why I chose to join:

1) $ - I will earn ownership in the company (in the form of shares) and will then begin earning substantial money if this thing blows up (and I have nothing to lose if it doesn’t.)

2) Simplicity - I use the Internet just as I always have… I just get paid to do it!

3) Getting my share! - I like the idea of getting my share of all the billions of wealth being created on the Internet – even if I am not going to be a millionaire because of this.

The company has a very solid privacy structure in place, so your information won’t be shared and you won’t start receiving loads of spam. AND, you can earn for not only the time you spend on the net, but for the time your FRIENDS spend on the net. Think about it: you’re driving users to the site, so the company earns more, and you, in turn, earn more. Fair and square, right? I used the AGLOCO member calculator – I can get over 5,000 shares a month if I sign up 10 good people who recruit more new members; and, once the site has grown enough, I will start earning actual checks.

SIGN UP NOW – this is the key! Remember that you can maximize your earnings by getting referrals to the site… and YOU want to be the one referring everyone!

Here is a link to sign up – it has my ID code in it.

"For those who were online in 1999, you may remember the very first "Get paid to surf" program. It was called AllAdvantage. Basically, by displaying the AllAdvantage toolbar while you surfed, you got paid.

And when you referred people to the program and they surfed, you got paid.

It worked VERY well, except that the management team at the company messed up the opportunity.

Don't get me wrong. I earned THOUSANDS with this program. And it was incredibly viral.

Since then, I've been waiting for a similar opportunity to arrive.

It just has!

Here's the deal.

Agloco promises to pay you to do what you normally do - use your browser to surf the web. And, if you tell your friends about it, you both with earn money.


And totally free to join.

What happens when you sign up for Agloco is simple: you install a piece of software on your computer that displays a small Viewbar below your current web browser window. That Viewbar has ads on it that change based on where you surf. If you go to a fishing site, you might see ads for fishing. If you go to a news site, you might see ads for blogs, just like you do now with ads from Google and Yahoo.

You don't have to click on the ads, you don't have to stare at the Viewbar, you just have to have it up and running. You get paid money for every hour it's open. Further, you get paid for every hour that your friends view the Viewbar. And your money extends 5 levels deep - you, signing up friends who sign up their friends who sign up their friends who sign
up their friends who sign up their friends, and you make money at every level.

This makes for a great fundraiser for your company, organization, troupe, theater, or website - sign up with the link below, then organize your membership or web visitors to sign up under you - you can designate that the money go to whatever payee you want.

And the money adds up fast.

Say you have 5 people you end up signing up, and they sign up 5 people each.

That's 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 3125 people that are surfing and making money for themselves...and for you. And remember, it's absolutely free to be an Agloco member.

Here's the signup URL again - it will take you right to the Agloco site:

There's a lot more to what you can do with your Agloco membership - you can get shares in the company, you can give your earned money to your favorite charity and more.

There is never a guarantee that a business model will succeed, but my radar is fine-tuned to watch for opportunities that can make you money online.

The toolbar is currently in beta, so you want to get as many people as possible signed up for the release NOW!

Don't miss this.

To your success,


Nov 22, 2006

Update From 12by12

Hi Everybody,
We have not had an update for a while, so I thought it was time to let you know where we are at, and where we are going.

Firstly, a warm welcome to all the new members (and there are plenty of you). Many of you will not have seen an update like this before so, please take the time to click on the link on your members page and check back through a couple of the back issues. You will probably find some info there that is not explained clearly in the faqs or terms. Also take the time to visit the forum. There are many helpful people in there who can answer any questions you may have, and any important updates are also posted there.

The Good News.

12by12daily continues to grow, and is now the undisputed number 1 in the autosurf industry. Despite a few trying times in the beginning, and a few script glitches that we are still working on, we continue to pay, and pay, ontime, everytime. Our membership is growing everyday, and currently stands at 35000. Our alexa rating has gone through the roof, and we are currently among the top 2500 visited websites on the internet. Btw, it is nice to see some of the earlier members who jumped ship in the beginning, returning to the fold, and receiving payouts. If you follow the transaction id numbers in your account, you will see that we will very soon make our 100,000th cashout. You should all feel very proud of our achievements, and feel confident in promoting 12by12daily as the very best there is.

Improvements. We are constantly working behind the scenes making improvements to the website. If you have had to use the contact link recently you will notice a dropdown with a list of subject headings. This has been in place for about a week now, and has dramatically improved the response times for email replies. It has also enabled me to prioritise the emails, and process the important ones, such as missing payments, or hacked egold accounts, much quicker than I previously did. Please choose the correct heading when contacting us to ensure the most efficient processing of your request.

We are working very hard to complete the process of fixing the problems relating to incorrect cash balances, and pending payout amounts. Most of these problems stem back to the early times when we had a lot of server issues and many members were not able to surf everyday as required. In my generosity, I stated then, that all members would be paid for all 12 days whether they surfed or not. This created further problems in that area, as we corrected the pending payouts we messed up the rest of the info. I fear a lot of members have been taking advantage of this situation, and not bothering to surf. In order to get the database fixed we need to stop that practise, or we will never get it fixed. From now on you must surf everyday, as per the faqs, to be paid for that day. We should then be able to have the database totally fixed sometime within the next three weeks. (One full cycle)

Many members have asked me about the possibility of owning more than one account. I will look at this in certain circumstances, subject to strict conditions, however there is an easier solution. As of now, the maximum account level permitted will be lifted from $6,000 to $12,000. In most cases that will alleviate the need for multiple accounts. Now we can truly be called 12by12by12daily.

Referral commissions are continuing to be paid daily. Ok, I admit, I might miss a day here or there, but most days we pay referral commissions. For the new members who may not have read the previous updates, we pay referral commission approximately once per month. This has 3 benefits. 1. When you get yours it is a nice surprise and a larger amount than if we paid it with your upgrades. 2. It does not corrupt the database by confusing with your upgrades. This was particularly a problem when members have more than one upgrade running at the same time. 3. It also enables me to protect your money by catching the cheaters before they get paid. If you visit the forum and go to the "Post here when you have been paid referral commision" thread, you will be able to see where we are up to at any given time.

The Bad News

There is not too much bad news. As you know, we were the subject of a failed hacker attempt about ten days ago. This, in itself is not bad news, because it highlighted the ability of the security we have in place to foil such attempts. The bad news is that when we tried to restore those members egold account numbers to the correct numbers, we found too many members with upgrades coming from two or more egold accounts. We also found too many egold numbers linked to more than one 12by12daily account. This has resulted in much more checking needed prior to, and during payouts. The members concerned will have had their payouts delayed while we sort out the issues, and unfortunately a few innocent members have been caught in the crossfire and had their payouts delayed by a few hours as well. I apologise to the members who were affected in this way. Please read the terms and faqs. Each account must have its own unique egold account. If you are tempted to use your account!
to upgrade your wife/brother/friend etc, then don't. I believe I am the only autosurf that allows members to refer their family members, but it is clearly stated in the terms and faqs, that each account must have its own egold account and email address. Upgrading with a different egold account is a breach of the terms, and could result in you losing any referral commission earned. Lets be fair here, you cannot earn referral commission from your own money.

The other bad news does not concern 12by12daily directly, but I am totally disappointed at the number of members who have allowed their egold accounts to be robbed. I won't use the word hacked, here, because it is impossible to hack an egold account. Egold accounts are accessed by third parties, by the owner of those accounts inadvertently giving away their login details. This may happen by having your email account hacked, it may happen by clicking on a link in an email pretending to be from egold, or it may happen by allowing a trojan onto your pc, which will empty your egold account as soon as you login. For goodness sakes, people, protect your money. Make sure you use the highest security settings on your egold account, and always request a pin by email to login. Make sure your computer is protected by using antivirus and antispyware software, and by keeping it up to date. If you haven't got ewido (Now known as AVG antispyware), then get it, and run it before ever!
ytime you open your egold account. If this has happened to you, I do feel for you, but I am amazed that with the amount of information available, people will not protect their own money.

I am sorry to end on such a sombre note, but as you can see from the above news 12by12daily has provided a wonderful opportunity for many people, and it saddens me to see the benefits being stolen from under our noses.

Happy surfing

Well what can i say
im still a happy camper here
hoping to stay with them througout

Nov 21, 2006

Private (Chariots Of Fire)

Yes the long awaited program has finally been launched
Greats Balls Of Fire!!

Hi everyone,

This is the long awaited program that some of you have been waiting.


Well, i hope what you'll find here is a BREATH OF FRESH AIR!

Chariots Of Fire is a program design to built with the members in mind & built to last. As we dont require NEW
SPENDS/DEPOSITORS to sustain GROWTH, we're not PONZI in nature. We INVEST members $$$ in various offline/online investments vehicles.

Only 50 members in the 1st month so that we can control the growth here.

Basically, there's 2 LOAN plans.

15 days - 125%

30 days - 160%

Payout is within 48hrs after expiry of ea. plan.

The rates here are only INTRODUCTORY & it's going to be a variable rate from month to month.

Max. SPEND/DEPOSIT : $10,000

ONLY SPEND IN MULTIPLES OF $50. Any amount under $50 will be treated as a donation.

ONLY 1 e-gold account ALLOWED!


All info. regarding FAQ, TOS & the e-gold account to spend to will only be available through email.


So for those who are interested pls email or chat with me in MSN
where i can give u the rest of the details if ur interested


Nov 19, 2006

Bets29 Gone! Finally In The Finer Things

for those who are still wishing that bets29 would be back

Well.. GET A LIFE! Its GONE!
That scammer will be ##@#@ upside down!

After contemplating
I guess in the end i will still be joining The Finer Things
Heard nothing but good things about them.
However its a HYIP so always play what you can afford to lose


"We are expecting a short downtime around November 18 11:00 PM EST as the datacenter moves to a dedicated power supply.

We are not anticipating being offline for any great period of time.

You can keep up to date at the forum at


Nov 17, 2006

Emcom Pays (Singapore Investor ) ROI 1000%

Great i got paid by an OFFLINE investment

I am finally paid by Emcom for my 1st month
Singaporeans who are curious or doubtful
feel free to drop me an email or add me in


I will be glad to aid you in joining

Foreign investor who are interested can also join.
For details on how check it out HERE where
my partner has posted his payment proof.

Nov 16, 2006

13DP Refunds i Shock to see i am finally refunded frm 13DailyPro
It might not be the right sum though because i deposited 100usd at that time
but nevertheless its shocking enough

Here is the proof:

Great isnt it?
Hope this gains some confidence to the readers

Well it is picking up steam now and the competition between 13dailypro & 12by12
is just getting heat up!

Nov 15, 2006

Bets29 Bitten The Dust?

Things are not looking too hopeful for Bets29
There are debates over in MMG & TG forum
on whether it has bitten the dust.
Only time can tell that.
Enough of those bad news

My 12by12 package has just expired finally and i am also waiting for my EliteVentures payment, should be about 4 more working days to get paid i hope
Sure wish to buy some nice Xmas present to buy for my loved ones

I also requested invitation to join GlobalForexClub
They have a live account trading & have been DD by some Guru bloggers
So another diversification for me

Nov 14, 2006

Bets29 Migrating To A New Server

Bad news !!
Paul's Account in MMG has been hacked
He is now upgrading to a new server
thats why the site is down

Here is the news:

OK. I have managed to get back the passwords. Anyway please give me some time as i need to go out for a while. The accounts are in a mess. i will process each withdrawal individually to make sure no one gets extra.

Please give me 12 hours for this and i will solve it.

If you cannot login and request password, please email me with your username, password required, egold account number AND transaction batch id that you have deposited in the past. I will verify before i reset your account.

The egold account number is at 3761419.

If you have deposited earlier on to that account number 3772020, Just send me a PRINTSCREEN (NOT COPY AND PASTE), i will refund you the money. This is my fault and i will take responsibilty.

I may take 24 hours to complete everything, just give me some time.


Nov 13, 2006

DesertSKyMarketing Closes

Well, what can i say i was rather lucky in not joining
i was having second thoughts about this and luckily i did not join
Anyway here is the news


It is with great sadness that I’m writing this email to you. DesertSky Marketing will be closing. Things looked great on paper, but have not gone as planned. Below are a few reasons DSM will be closing:

- While it was a huge challenge to acquire paid corporate advertisers, the few that were acquired did not wish to continue because they did not receive the desired conversions from their advertising dollars.
- Several short term business ventures have failed causing a loss to DSM funds.
- Long term (60-90 days) business ventures are doing fine, but the turn around is not quick enough to sustain weekly cashouts.
- CashBackMall and MyAZPix are launching much later than originally planned, thus causing a shortage in income.

Instead of letting DSM continue to a point where it is impossible to pay members, I’ve decided to stop accepting upgrades and implement a repayment plan. I always hated it when an admin knew things were not going right, but continued to act like nothing was wrong, accepted upgrades, and then pulled the plug causing everyone to lose money. Per the terms of the site, DSM is under no obligation to refund any money. However, I feel it would be wrong to treat my members that way.

The following plan will be implemented immediately:

1. Members who joined between September 22 - October 15 will earn 110% total of their upgrade(s).
2. Members who joined between October 16 - October 21 will earn 105% of their upgrade(s).
3. Members who joined between November 1 - November 10 (last day upgrades were accepted) will get a refund of their ad pack purchases.

You must continue to surf in order to receive your payments! You purchased advertising with your upgrades, and you get paid commissions to view ads. If you don’t surf (view ads), you will not get paid.

Members who are receiving refunds (members who joined between Nov 1 - Nov 10) will receive them by this Wednesday (November 15th).

DSM will continue to make weekly payments (unless delays in outside returns cause us to go to every two weeks) to members who continue to surf. These payments will continue until the members have received 110% or 105% of their ad pack purchases. Weekly payments will begin Wednesday, November 15th.

Weekly payments will be 10-25% of what is owed with a minimum payment of $5. This means if you are owed less than $50, you will not receive weekly payments, but will receive your amount all at once when it is your turn.

Our repayment plan is designed so every member receives their full ad pack purchases back, plus some profit for members who joined in September or October. Some of you may ask why we don’t just refund everyone’s money right now. I would do that if it was just sitting in egold or alertpay. However, those funds are at work generating a profit for the repayment plan. Those funds will be dispersed as they come back to DSM.

I could place members money in other surf programs to meet the income demands, but I’ve always stated that DSM does not do that. We could also change the terms to where members would receive payments at the end of the 60 days, but who would want to surf for 60 days before receiving a payment?

Below is the formula that will be used to determine the amount you will receive from DSM:

- Members who joined between September 22 - October 15: (total upgrades X 1.10) - total paid cashouts = amount owed
- Members who joined between October 16 - October 21: (total upgrades X 1.05) - total paid cashouts = amount owed
- Members who joined between November 1 - November 10: total upgrades refunded

I hope you can understand that by closing DSM now, we are at a point where every member can be whole. I wish things could have gone different, but the current business model relies too heavily on volatile things we cannot control. I am looking at different business models and taking all I have learned from DSM into consideration.

Remember: You must surf in order to receive any payments!!

I can say that DSM truly has the best members! Thank you for your support DSM; it has been greatly appreciated!



Nov 12, 2006

Death Of Internet Marketing (Refer & Earn Free $1 Into Paypal )


I just got an email about Mike Filsaime's
Free Report
called - "The Death of Internet

I will admit, like you may be feeling now, that I thought it was some
hyped up offer
to get me to join for free and get some offer...

...Turns out I was wrong. Way wrong.

The bottom line is, this report really opened my eyes to what really is the
death of Internet marketing. The good news is, the report also shows you what
you need to know to succeed in the near future.

The times are changing and I it would be a shame for anyone to not read this
report and fail like many will.

I read it, and I wanted to share it with you ASAP.

I recommend you take a break from what ever it is you are doing if you can and
get access to this report now.

Consider your future success by going here now...


PS - Mike says it will only be available for a few weeks at most so do
not delay...


FX Back On Track & PTSM Mthly Returns

Well.. looks like FX might be on their way trading on their new account and we can expect some refunds some time in the future?
willl be looking forward

PTSM Returns

10.27% is this month returns might not be much compared to previous months
but hey what the heck they are paying timely
that is what matters.

Emails were sent out they might be doing a facelift on their site
so watch out for some new site kicking ass!

Join Bets29 & Paid by EV Remaining Amount


EliteVentures are definitely the ones ROCKING MY WORLD
Recently they paid me a wrong amount, there was a shortage of $231.20 in my account
Here is the proof

I submitted a ticket and after 48hours the money is back in my account
Great Job by EliteVenture
will be reinvesting another sum today!

After much hesistation i finally joined Bets29
Yeah reading much from forums n recommendations
I would say its worth the BET Yeah!

You can CLICK HERE for a large amount paid by Bets29
Indeed proven trustworthy I would say

Nov 11, 2006

Ibiza Update

Well.. finally some updates from them
no trading proofs or results yet though

Dear Investors,

I came to realize today that is has been a while since our last communication. Many e mails and other messages were received this week and unfortunately remained unanswered. I apologize for this as I had to set priorities. We have been very busy with trading so far this month. As many of you know I am not so happy with the recent behavior of the markets. Since June we seem to be in some consolidating phase in the foreign exchange markets and trends are not picking up really. Although I had expected such to happen since September. Now we had the interim elections and even the Democrat victory didn’t give much clue to the markets as where to go. Reason for us to look for alternatives. We turned our intention the only true currency or the mother of all (fiat) currencies: Gold

As many of you know Gold has been very bullish until May this year where it reached a level of about $ 740/oz. Since than gold went into a corrective phase which only recently ended. Gold touched a low of $ 560 in October and from there it slowly moved back up to the pivotal $ 605/610 area which meant a break out of its corrective downward trend. At Ibiza traders we started to buy below $ 600 already as we anticipated this break out. Last night gold traded at a high of $ 637 already! At the moment I write this it trades around $ 630. We intend to expand our activities in this respect by lack of alternative in the regular currency markets. We expect gold this year to touch a high of $680/700 already against the overly inflated US$ and for next year we foresee new highs around $ 800/900!

It seems many investment corps, central banks and high net worth individuals are converting their dollar (and other currency) holdings into the yellow metal. Par example did you know that the Dow Jones All Industrials index only makes new highs against us$ and that it is declining already in terms of gold, i.e. the DJIA is declining against the non inflationary Gold?
Did you know that the USA are technically bankrupt? Did you know that China's net foreign currency reserves are over $ 1 trillion and are soon to be diversified into other currencies and gold? The economical situation looks very ugly in the USA. This wont change overnight and hence we see demand for gold only increasing, Those are just a few of the factors which justify our decision to make this investment. And so far it looks good. Only this month, so far, we reached a yield of 12%. You know that I never speak about interim results or like to publish such results. But the fact is that we at Ibiza traders are just very excited about this and thought that we would share that with you for a change. All communications sent to us will be replied on a short notice and ask your understanding for this delay.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Peter Ris

JRE Supporters

Amazing !!
Thanks to a few supporters of JRE i got a few referrals

To those fellow Supporters
I will be personally supporting JRE when he is not available online.
Those who sign up under me in JRE through my signature will have priority than the rest.


1) When you need a LIVE CHAT(MSN) to trade
for more assurance & able to transact REAL TIME when he is not Online

2) Any queries or doubts can go through me too if you cannot find him online

3) You can trade with me using UOB / POSB / OCBC



Confidence Of 12by12

There was a slight error on 12by12 Cashout History but not a problem when Dave Cannard is around.

For more Confidence

Hi Everybody,
Today was the day I was gonna catch up on all my emails. I am doing the best I can despite people continuing to email me about incorrect pending payouts when you have been asked repeatedly not to. In 99.99% of cases the incorrect figure has already been fixed by the time I read your email, so please stop! We cannot fix the problem if we have to continue reading emails about it, and it does delay the response time for the members who have real problems that need addressing.

Now, to the reason for this update. I awoke this morning to the news that many members were seeing an entry in their cashout history "Mass Payout" and had not received any funds in their egold. This was a mistake, we do not use Mass Payout, we use Autopay. All those entries have now been deleted, and if your cash balance is wrong, there is no need to panic. When payout time comes around you will be paid the correct amount.

After spending most of the day sorting that problem, we were then the victims of a hacker attempt this afternoon. (Around midnight server time) I am happy to say that all the extra security measures we have in place alerted us to this problem immediately. Some members had their egold account numbers changed, and we are working through the night to make sure they are restored correctly. There was also an attempt made to change the 12by12daily egold account number you upgrade to, but once again our security was alert and changed it back almost immediately. Despite a number of attempts we were able to thwart him, and nobody lost any money. We are also very close to tracking him down, and retribution will be swift and severe.

Everything is fine now, if you see any funny things happening in your account over the next few hours, don't panic. We are on top of it. On a sad note, todays payouts will be delayed, but only for a few hours. We cannot make any payouts until we have all the egold numbers corrected.

Happy surfing

Nov 10, 2006 - Buy / Sell Your E-gold With Us. All Customers Welcome, Registered Business In Singapore. First Class Service and Website.

About Us
JR Exchange (JRE) is a registered business in Singapore. Though young in the e-currency exchange industry, JRE aims to offer fast, efficient and professional services to all customers around the world.

JRE offers you extremely competitive rates and ensures that the quality of service you receive will never be affected by our low rates. Not only that, we reward you with our very own JR$ for every transaction as well as offering you the chance to earn more by joining our Affiliate Program.

What We Offer
JRE offers 4 levels of membership. Each membership upgrade entitles you to better exchange rates & fees, affiliate commissions and rewards.

Contact Us
We are contactable via phone/fax/email. Details of our contact information can be found in our website.

Visit us now at

Talk about new exchangers in Singapore
Here is the new kid in town JRE

I chatted with the owner of JRE
Nice young chap great personalities
Have yet to tried out those service though.

I will be working out something with him
to provide better support and trust
will keep you guys updated

12by12 Admin Great Respond

Martin's(Admin) Update On 12by12:

“I've noticed a few posts in the forum explaining about unusual records in the account history, records showing that payments have been made when thy haven't etc.

I've only just noticed this now and I have a feeling it's only happened to a few accounts. Dave will be sleeping for a few more hours but as soon as he wakes up I'll alert him immediately to this so that he can get it sorted out or give us an update.

Thank you 'nothing' for keeping me informed about this. As soon as Dave's awake I'll make it my top priority to see whats happened.

I don't think this is a big problem but I don't like when people get worried about it.

Just for the next few hours. If you have a problem concerning ...

1) Upgrades not credited
2) Unusual information shown in your account history
3) Payments not going to pending

UPDATED: Please ignore the 'MASS PAY' entry into your history. You'll see that you haven't been paid for that. I have a feeling it might be something the programmers done / is trying to do to fix the incorrect cash balances.

... please send an email to with your account number and a description of the problem. please paste any text you see on your account pages if it will help. As soon as we are awake tomorrow I'll then have an organized list of important messages I can pass on to Dave so that we can prioritize getting this sorted out if it's causing any problems.



Well... what can i say
Good response & support whenever you need those guys
still paying like a clock
if you still have any hesistation.. well DON'T

Nov 9, 2006

Yes Finally! Paid by 12by12 & EliteVentures!

I was waiting for this day to get paid by both 12by12 & EV

12by12 as usual is like a time paying machine which pays on time

Due to EV moving to a new site with scripts all that needed to be updated
There was a rather commotion regarding payouts
but finally i was paid INDEED by the 7th working day.
They are still paying within the current TOS without a doubt

I guess i will be sticking with these guys for a couple of months

Here is my payment:


Oct 28, 2006

Emcom Singapore Investor - 1200% ROI


Im going to introduce you the best MLM cum Investment ever.
You can take a look at their website, but you cannot join online.

Emcom is going to build wireless boardboard infrastructure in Taiwan. N is looking for fund from investors.

You buy in terms of virtual shares. The are 18 phases, share price start from $1.00 from phase 1 and when it rch phase 18 the price of the share will be at $1.90.

Projected time frame of completion of the boardband project takes 1 yr. N the return if you join b4 phase 4 will be 1200%..

Im a silver member myself. So im looking at 18000usd in ROI once the project complete + 200% insurance of 3000usd.

1200% roi is pay out once the project complete and start to earn money.

Also, other than the 1200% ROI, the company also protect your capital with insurance.
So if the project didt kick off well, the company insurance amount as follows:
Bronze = 100%
Silver = 200%
Gold = 300%

So as a silver member, regardless if the project in taiwan successful anot, u will earn back 200% of capital amount, in monthly basis.

If you do not have enough capital to invest

My partner & I do have a Co-op if you are interested you can find out more in in here

Emcom Co-op Group (ECG)

What i said above is a investment (real company that got registered with ACRA)

On top of the investment, there is an mlm part if you refer ppl to join a partnership of EMCOM (investor) u will entitle to earn commission too.
The plan is in binary:
B/B = 30usd
S/S = 200usd
G/G = 500usd

If you dun like mlm, u can be a sleeping partner, n just wait for profit.

May 17, 2006

Superglobal2u - Malaysia Singapore, Unique Business Creates Residual Income for years


Once again a better opportunity always strikes me !!
Has anyone seen this yet??
We are talking abt a REAL LEGITIMATE COMPANY in M'SIA

This is not a gambling, HYIP or autosurf website. This company create a very unique Global Network plan in combining exceptional products that provides a consistency monthly income for you. With their recycle plan, it stablizes your network growth and everyone is earning money and profiting from it.

Best of all, they will automated managed your account and do placement of new members to join you. You also dun hav to maintain anything every month nor sponsor anyone if you cannot find. Every new placement under you entitled for a bonus.

Well, it seems too good to be true but in fact lots of malaysian who started this program earlier on are earning hundred of dollars daily!! Singapore market is about to build up big too, even US people are aiming for this business. The company are in the process to launch internationally.

Just a brief, one lot 120 (RM) entitled max earning 300 (RM) daily. The more lots they purchased, the more earnings per day. That one purchased lot counts about 53 (SG) dollars inclusive of delivered products.

Every Upliners treat this program as an continuous investment plan. The best of this system uses minimal of their profits to repurchase new lots and this create recycling benefits for new members to earn from this program. Everyone is a winner here and those who are interested to find out more just click below the links or contact the Singaporean or Malaysian distributors.

Singaporeans pls CLICK HERE

This is a REAL COMPANY actually working in msia

This is their profile

Co. Profile

Proof of Certificate

Here is another Proof of Payment an upline in malaysia had who bought only 1 LOT

Payment Proof

With such evidence pls do not waste this opportunity of earning a residual income

Feel free to add me in MSN or Email me to know more abt this opportunity

May 5, 2006

Join 22USD For Only $2.50

22USD Club

Alright guys... this is the best deal you can ever get!!

Get richer by $65,559.00 in 16 weeks
Not by paying $100 or more

Just pay $2.50 you are able to join this wonderful club

Here is the breakdown

Direct referral u will get $5
Each pair of direct referral u will get $10
New member registered under your downline, u will get $1
Any new registration , u will get $0.50
and it is included all 16 levels of your downline

For now i included this this presentation for a better picture

Watch the power of DUPLICATION!!


Still cant believe its really that gd
what have you got to lose for 22USD or a perpetual residual for 1 yr

Why You Shd Join Our Team?

1. Just a low startup of $2.50 instead of $22

2. Find 2 directs & you got back your capital + its a whole new beginning for you to build your empire

3. We can start to build our team in any forum

4. No hard selling of products

5. I will help you to promote thru forums and advertising any spillovers you will be getting it too

6. Stop hesistating , you will find ur matrix exploding in no time

Think about it, 22usd for 1 yr of Solid Residual income
Its a sure win situation

Lets build this TEAM!

Apr 9, 2006


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