Have a look at when it is installed:
The team behind this project includes 8 Stanford MBA's and AllAdvantage veterans: Carl Anderson and Jim Jorgenson. The sophistication of on-line commerce, better targeting technology following interests of users and showing only relevant ads similar to what Google Adsense is riding on - these things combined as result will make a hybrid of autosurf model we have right now in 12by12daily and other programs with time proven and fine tuned google adsense business model. News about this program are spreading like wildfire through blogs and mostly promoted by people who are not even aware of autosurfing industry including some big names in internet marketing world so this one will be treated as separate entity and will be following different rules of growth mostly because there is no membership fee and large potential for earnings. As estimated already 10000 members have signed up for it and this number will be growing exponentially over next few days. I think this one will be huge so don't wait and sign up for your toolbar of free cash. Sometimes Free is too Expensive...
Currently, the total maximum hours for earnings is set to 5 hours and the viewbar is still in beta testing but will be released to members shortly based on signup date. Earlier you join faster you can download toolbar and start earning. Hours will be counted only during active surfing so it could take several days to reach the limit of 5 hours and this limit could be changed.
So if you are interested in earning free money
Join me
Now i hope this helps everyone to understand even better
Thats all folks!
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