Dec 24, 2007
Secret Revealed! Geninue Way For The "Not-Online Savvy " To Make Consistent 7.5% Profits
* Generate 7.5% recurring profits monthly starting from your very 1st month!
* Legitimate and established European co. These are not empty promises;
* No web experience needed. Just Click and Earn. So simple a 12 year old kid can do it!
* Low Start Up Capital,no monthly maintenance fee.You don't need website to
* Discover the key to break even and earn extra 250% profits in 30 days or less!
* Products are endorsed and certified by established universities around the world;
* You do not have to sell, recruit to make monthly income;
* Be part of the millionaire maker's team.Offices in S'pore, Malaysia & H.K to support you.
* Understand why this outright beats online advertising gain
Dec 20, 2007
Xthreem Latest Xmas Update
22 December 2007, Saturday
2.30pm - Money Tree Preview
3.30pm - XthreemOnline Preview
Venue : Bayview Hotel
27 December 2007, Thursday
7.30pm - XthreemOnline Preview
Venue : Safra Town Club
29 December 2007, Saturday
2.30pm to 5.30pm - Money Tree Introductory Camp
Venue : Bayview Hotel
We will be having our regular schedule in Jan 2008.
Meanwhile keep the X'mas Mood going... Start
Sharing with your friends & family.
Dec 14, 2007
Xmas Trafficwave Offer
I will rebate 100% GUARANTEED to join your way into
TrafficWave FREE which cost $17.95 to upgrade you to Active status.
This will be built in a way to make sure everyone joins in FREE & with at least 1 PS too.
Once its upgraded in the back office which might take a few hours to verify
if you use egold otherwise CC would be immediate.
I will pay you thru EGOLD Instantly
So do not miss this XMAS OFFER
PM me for the link & details , i will get back to you ASAP!!
Traffic Wave:-
Traffic Wave began operation in March, 2000 and is owned by Brian Rooney.
TrafficWave has an optional, free to join, affiliate program with a compensation plan that pays a 100% signup bonus, regular commissions starting the second month from the 3x10 matrix, and matching bonuses. This is a long term residual income plan.
The marketing plan of this is amazing, when you recruit any one in TW either yourself or by the system, you get 100% FSB the first month, and also up to 10 levels depending on ur leadership level
The more the referrals you have more deeper you earn,
Like if you have 1 referral you earn up to 3 levels
If you have 5 referrals you earn up to 5 levels
If you have 10 referrals you earn up to full 10 levels
Nov 16, 2007
Oct 29, 2007
Retire In One Year (rioy), I will give you 1 PS to cover monthlies/system keeps giving PS' to
The RIOY System is a system designed to generate an income for you of $4000 per month after 12 months. There are 3 elements to the system: one affiliate program to generate long-term residual income, another affiliate program to bring in short-term cash to fund all your expenses, and a marketing program. These three elements are:
a) LLC, - Long term Residual Income
b) Bigorilla, - Short term cash to fund your monthlies
c) RIOY Marketing.- Marketing the above two
To put it in a simple lay mans language RIOY will be marketing our links of the above two aggressively all over the net and get our referrals and we do not even have to lift our finger, every month we keep getting referrals under us both in TW and bigorilla and in 1-2 months we can reach break even
What is Traffic Wave
TrafficWave provides tools for network marketers. Tools are their products. These tools consist of unlimited AutoResponders, unlimited ad trackers, an FFA page, a lead capture page, a banner rotation and other tools and benefits for $17.95 per month. The company began operation in March, 2000 and is owned by Brian Rooney.
TrafficWave has an optional, free to join, affiliate program with a compensation plan that pays a 100% signup bonus, regular commissions starting the second month from the 3x10 matrix, and matching bonuses. The RIOY System uses TrafficWave products and affiliate program to provide long-term residual monthly income for its members. TrafficWave is our Primary income-generating program.
Its like hitting two birds with one stone, by joining this program, you can set up auto responder and can promote other programs like berry tree/gibline etc and also earn from this
The marketing plan of this is amazing, when you recruit any one in TW either yourself or by the system, you get 100% FSB the first month, and also upto 10 levels depending on ur leadership level
The more the referrals you have more deeper you earn,
Like if you have 1 referral you earn upto 3 levels
If you have 5 referrals you earn upto 5 levels
If you have 10 referrls you earn upto full 10 levels
You can see more details on TW plan here
Now this is no brainer, as the system does the job and keeps on getting referrals for you, well it can’t be answered if you ask how soon it will happen, see my example above and I will ask my upline to come and explain here more on this
What is Bigorilla?
Bigorilla is a web hosting and marketing company that also has an affiliate program. It utilizes a 2 x 15 forced matrix, allows you to have multiple accounts, and has a very generous compensation plan. Bigorilla is a set it and leave it operation that, when operated under our guidance, requires virtually no work on the user’s part yet generates enough income to operate your entire RIOY system. Bigorilla is our secondary income-generating program, used to generate enough income to pay for the whole RIOY system.
Here the income plan is simple, we get $.10 per member in each level, the system does the job (remember my upline got 200 in less than 30 days in bigorilla, and this way we can reach breakeven in less that 2 months to cover the monthly fee)
What is RIOY Marketing?
RIOY Marketing is a program put together by Karl Green wherein he collects $35 per month subscription fees through PayPal or AlertPay and uses those funds to market for all RIOY System members. The program also provides website hosting and maintenance for members’ replicated websites. RIOY Marketing is not an affiliate program, and it pays no commissions.
How are new members brought in?
The RIOY System takes virtually all of the work out of internet marketing, so that anyone from total newbie to internet marketing guru can make money with the system. We market for all members. Tens of thousands go to our sites every day from many different traffic generation methods, and this traffic is sent to our sites through a rotator. The rotator "looks" to see who is next in line and sends the prospect to that member’s (i.e. the sponsor’s) RIOY Marketing lead capture page. The prospect is then entered into the sponsor’s AutoResponder to receive a series of sales letters, and is, at the same time, sent to a sales page that explains the whole program. The prospect is also sent a welcome letter that has his/her RIOY Marketing User Name and Password whereby he/she can log into his/her RIOY Marketing Back Office. At this point in the process the prospect is designated as a “lead” by the website and given only limited information and capabilities (eg no Lead Capture Page). If interested in joining, the prospect follows the signup process given on the sales page to sign up for TrafficWave, Bigorilla and RIOY Marketing and becomes a new personal signup for the sponsor. In all of this there is no selling, advertising or other promotion by the RIOY sponsor. The first time the sponsor is even aware of the existence of the new member is when our AutoResponder sends notification of a new RIOY Marketing Lead.
What is the RIOY Signup Process?
The sign-up process consists of 3 steps:
a) Sign up as a paid member in TrafficWave from the link in your sponsors RIOY Sales Page. Cost, $17.95 per month.
b) Sign up in Bigorilla at. Cost, $19.95 per month.
c) Join RIOY Marketing by clicking the link in your sponsor’s RIOY Sales Page. Cost, $35 per month. (FIRST MONTH FREE)
If you sign up under me, I will give you at least one direct PS as and when people come here and show interest, so that you stand to make income from TW upto 3 levels, $6 in first level and $.75 for 2nd and 3rd level and in bigorilla the sytem will give you spillovers every month from the top (as we all are joining under one person called LINDA part of RIOY system).
If you have one PS that is FSB of 100% first month which is $18 and second month if you have 3 in your first level as spillover, you get $18 enough to pay the monthly
So with this it will cover the monthly fee and after that the system will do the job in getting your referrals for TW (bigorilla any way you will get spillovers) and you can start earning a considerable income over a period of time. With bigorilla as spillover comes from the top (Linda) we get around 200 odd spillovers every month that is $0.10 x 200 = 20 to cover the monthly fee here too
So both the monthlies are covered and RIOY does promote our URL 24/7 throughout the year getting us more PS and spillovers in TW and bigorilla
So in couple of months time we can see good monthly residuals from here
PM me for the link
Oct 25, 2007
HYWD - Oct, 23 '07
Some Useful Links - October 23rd, 2007
All the links below open in new window
Jude's new NobsInvest is now online - here's the first article
Mark is Tracking Down The Real Internet Crooks Capital Enhancement Club (CEC) pt1. I like this guy.
Pinoy Money Talk has posted an interesting article...
The Ten Sites Project (HYWD Investment Fund)
by Tony Clifton
It has been very long time since I've done anything about The HYWD Investment Fund. But the idea about it is not dead, I just have many things going and too little time.
An year and more ago when we ran the Alpha of the Risky fund it was...
Fast Review: Cap-Future Online Investment
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Mutual Fund Short Comings - 7 Reasons To Invest Elsewhere
By John O'byrne
The Mutual Fund industry has been a marketing juggernaut since the mid-1980's. Billions of dollars have been deposited into mutual funds, but that decision by many investors may have cost them more than they realized. There are many reasons why mutual funds are not everything they...
RolClub Opens A Real Investment Program
by Tony Clifton
Maybe you have read Vicky's Rolclub forum review five months ago, but if you have not, I'll give you just a basic idea about RolClub.
It's a high yield investing forum started at the end of 2005 covering the major topics that the other similar forums cover. It's a...
Fast Review: BricsFund
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
The Biases Investors Suffer From
By David Opoku
I personally feel a host of people lose money in their investment not because of the capricious nature of the stock market but because of biases in the important investment decisions they make. Many investors unwittingly suffer from one form of bias or the other. In this discussion,...
Some Useful Links - October 16th, 2007
All the links below open in inew window
PsykoZone is now MoneyBull. Good luck, Ben!
If you've missed the news, read it now - Pecunix Takes Proactive Approach To Curbing HYIP Ponzis
MoneyMonk asks Where do you stand
Fast Review: NexGenEnergy
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
How To Stop Playing Games And Start Investing
by Tony Clifton
There is one major excuse for people to keep playing these HYIP games with $10 to $100 "investments". And the excuse is simple...
Not Enough Money To Invest
I don't want to be blunt, but basically you can't really make any investment with $10 or even $100. At the very...
10 Financial Mistakes to Avoid
By Kent Irwin
1. Negative Spending
Have you created a budget and do you stick to it? If not, you may be spending more money than you make. People who have created a budget have a good idea of their monthly income and expenses and can accurately diagnose their financial...
Fast Review: Conversant Investment
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Easy Gold Bullion Investing
By Dave Jackson
Right now you're probably thinking that gold bullion investing is something best left to the pros. Yes, the majority of traders making noise are professional investors. But there are some easy ways to get into the bullion market, and gold could be a good investment for...
Good Links To Check - October 9th, 2007
All the links below open in new window
Earn By Loaning Drops Paypal. I dropped EBL, but if you are in, read the article
Mark has posted an excellent article - How To Protect Your Digital Currency Account Value…USD, EURO, Gold ?
eMoneyTalk posted...
NoBSHyip Says Goodbye To HYIPs (So do others as well)
by Tony Clifton
My great friend Jude from NobsHYIP Blog decided to say goodbye to the HYIP topics. The blog will be changed to NoBS Invest and will concentrate only on legitimate business opportunities.
See this and this entry for more information. Make sure to subscribe to the new mailing list...
Victoria Picks: Yeepage Journal
by Victoria Kovac
It has been long time without my pics. Why? Have I been on vacation? No! There just wasn't anything which could deserve your attention for so long!
People say the HYIP world is dying. And I agree! But the high yield investing and money making will never die, so...
Fast Review: Fx-Trade4u
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
How To Predict And Profit From Major Commodity Market Moves
By Tony J Lorenzo
Trading systems for making money in the commodity markets are being created all the time. The only problem with this is that the newer or inexperienced traders don’t have the experience to weed out the bad systems from the good and end up loosing money instead. But...
Oct 6, 2007
Berry Tree Team Build , We Give You 3 Sponsors!!
Earn and above every month by remaining Passive
Multi Million Dollar Ad Campaign to fill up every one's matrix
The only program in the history of MLM, designed for passive members.
The Marketing plan is US PATENT PENDING and is designed in such a way that one can earn from every member in the entire Berry Tree without recruiting a single person.
Berry Tree is backed by NUTRONIX INTERNATIONAL, a 8 year old Rock-Solid Debt Free Legal company.
The company is going in for multi-million dollar Advertisement Campaign and fill up every one's matrix. The part of the monthly fee goes towards advertisement campaign.
Berry Tree has placed ad in the popular Home Business Magazine, PayPerClick ad (google adwords), email campaigns and planning for Radio and TV ads.
One can earn $1336 and above every month for a small amount of $56 per month
Berry Tree is a 3 x 8 forced matrix (i.e 8 in every level)
one is paid $7 per month per member in first level (8 x $7 = $56)
and $4 per month per member in second level (64 x $4 = $256)
and $2 per month per member in third level (512 x 2 = $1024)
Totaling to $1336 per month just from matrix income
Apart from the above if one can be active and recruit on his own
one will get $27 as Referral commission for recruiting one member
and stands to gain Leadership Bonus also
Bronze Pool Bonus, which is on recruiting 10 PS (personal sponsor) one stands to get the share from Bronze pool account which is $1 per person per month from the members in entire Berry Tree will be taken and split amongst those who qualified as Bronze
Silver Pool Bonus, either recruit 25 PS on his own, or with 10 PS and total of 25 in two levels (personally sponsored group) one stands to get the share from Silver Pool Account which is $2 per person per month from the members in entire Berry Tree will be taken and split amongst those who qualified as Silver.
Gold Pool Bonus, either recruit 50 PS on his own, or with 10 PS and total of 50 in two levels (personally sponsored group) one stands to get the share from Gold Pool Account which is $3 per person per month from the members in entire Berry Tree will be taken and split amongst those who qualified as Gold.
One can stand to gain the above leadership bonus even without recruitment (see Berry Member Credits)
You can watch the video on Berry Tree here CLICK HERE
Oct 5, 2007
Secret Revealed! Geninue Way For The "Not-Online Savvy " To Make Consistent 7.5% Profits
- 100% money back guarantee!
- Generate 7.5% recurring profits monthly starting from your very 1st month!
- Legitimate and established European co. These are not empty promises;
- No web experience needed. Just Click and Earn. So simple a 12 year old kid can do it!
- Low Start Up Capital,no monthly maintenance fee.You don't need website to make money;
- Discover the key to break even and earn extra 250% profits in 30 days or less!
- Products are endorsed and certified by established universities around the world;
- You do not have to sell, recruit to make monthly income;
- Be part of the millionaire maker's team.Offices in S'pore, Malaysia & H.K to support you.
- Understand why this outright beats online advertising giants & how you quickly profit from this trend
Sep 26, 2007
Pre-Launch GibLink Guaranteed Success
this is posted from valia in MMG which is teambuilding for Giblink
imagine we do all the work for you
all you need is 2 qualifier & we have team build
here is the link you can read more
& see the amount of pple joining that fast
till date the list is about 60 already
Email me if you are interested
I have decided to start a Team Build for gibline. This is to ensure that each member receives 2 referrals.
Referrals provide a matching bonus for the sponsor, so this will certainly maximise earnings for each member.
The cost is $50usd which buys 1 pod. Payable at this time by Mastercard or Visa.
If you wish to be in the team build, please post here. I will pm the next available link. You must have a sponsor to join gibLine.
There will be a time frame for payment. you have 4 hours to join and send your link to me, or I will move on to the next person waiting to join. So be prepared. I have learnt from experience that the team build can suffer if members do not join in time.
Join us on this exciting journey
GibLink - Global Internet Business Link = SUCCESS
gibLine - Where NO ONE gets left behind!!!
An opportunity with limitless potential!! An opportunity for everyone!! An opportunity with substance.
gibLine -- Billion Dollar Products and Services at your fingertips.
Every gibLine member receives their own storefront to offer to offer these products and earn commissions.These products increase your revenue by retailing the most in demand IT services and products in the world.
The gibLine plan is comprised of multiple straight lines (gibLines) that progressively double in value.
gibLine #1 - $50 Line
gibLine #2 - $100 Line
gibLine #3 - $200 Line
gibLine #4 - $400 Line
gibLine #5 - $800 Line
gibLine #6 - $1,600 Line
gibLine #7 - $3,200 Line
gibLine #8 - $6,400 Line
gibLine #9 - $12,800 Line
gibLine #10 - $ 25,600 Line...etc.
Every person, worldwide is initially placed into gibLine #1 in the order they join no matter who referred them.
When a pod reaches the top of the line, it is on what we call “The Launch Pad”
If this is one of your pods, then the next 5 new pods that enter the line after your pod is on the launch pad, this will cause your pod to cycle and advance to gibLine #2.
The same concept applies in gibLine #2 as it did in line #1….As new pods are added to the bottom of the line, when the next 5 pods come in at the bottom, the pod on the launch pad cycles. Once a pod reaches the launch pad of gibLine #2, it will cycle to the bottom of gibLine #2 to cycle a second time. We call this a “Split Cycle” and split cycles occur in gibLines #2 and higher.
In a split cycle, your first pod that just cycled is placed at the bottom of the line your pod just cycled in and we give you a new additional pod in the previous line.
Each quarter, your membership will renew and this quarterly payment will keep your original pods and earned pods moving through the lines as they currently are, PLUS you will receive another pod in gibLine #1 if you are a Pro Member.
Additiionally, we will credit the line with 2 more new sales to further move the lines along. This will create a chain reaction through all the lines.
Everyone works together
Everyone helps each other
Everyone is on the same team
Everyone shares the workload
Everyone uplifts everyone else
gibLink is a global business open every day - in every time zone.
People are joining in real time from all corners of the globe to get in the gibLine. The sooner you JOIN- the sooner you get paid. We expect to grow to over 200+ million people in a very short time. Our program is based around sharing all the revenue with all the members - so the sooner you become a member the sooner you can enjoy the benefits of a global phenomenon and start earning money, today.
Is there a cap on the Compensation Plan?
There is NO CAP on the amount of money you can earn. Each member has the opportunity to cycle many times in a day, hour, minute or even by the second - the income potential is unlimited
The Simple Rules.
This is a 1 pod build. Cost $50 usd for 1 pod. Mastercard or Visa
Each member may have 2 referrals only.
You may recruit your own and place the first 2 on the list only.
Members entered by time of applying.
List will be updated daily.
A NIL link will be pm'ed to you.
After paying either pm your user name or post HERE. You will be added to the list.
There will be a grace period of 4 hours from when link is sent . Please join and pay within this time frame.
Sep 19, 2007
New Updates on Xthreem
Number 1
This is AMAZING!!!
I can't believe what is happening to my
blog now after I added in the new tool.
It have more traffic coming to my blog.
Heard about BlogRush ?
Have you installed it in your Blog?
If not, you better start doing it now.
Don't lose out in the race.
It's the HOTTEST TOPIC now in the internet!
Go to our Blog now to find out more. CLICK HERE!
Number 2
We have our winners in our Reach Out & Win Contest.
All 3 winners will be given the cheques in this
coming Saturday Event. So start coming down &
bring y our friends along to see whats happening.
(Click here to see the Schedule )
Number 3
Our LAST Online Presentation tomorrow.
YES! OUR LAST online Presentation Presentation.
Tomorrow will be our last online presentation in
Don't be.... Y? We will be moving to a NEW Chatroom
by next Wednesday. The chatroom will be able to
show power point slides & guide all users using a
in-built browser. Sound Cool?? YES! It's COOL!
Don't Miss our Online Presentation on
Wednesday,9pm (GMT +8, Singapore Time)
Click here to enter chatroom . =>
See you soon in Xthreem Online.
Sep 11, 2007
GetAway to Financial Freedom
Sep 10, 2007
Yuwie The Next Free Big Thing
First off, Yuwie is 100% FREE. Yuwie is like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.
Its kinda like friendster, myspace, blog u named it but the difference is
Use Yuwie - Get Paid!
Yuwie pays you to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.
Sep 5, 2007
XthreemOnline September 2007 New Service & 2 New Promotions
XthreemOnline will be having a 1 month special offer for the month of September only! This is a additional promotion on top of the on-going Reach Out & Win Contest. They will be having a additional service which will be available to all members. The details of the service are as follow:
A) New Launch Service - Full Unit Management Service
The service includes :
1) Clicking Service
2) Monthly Earning Report
3) Direct Payment to your Bank
4) Monthly Banner Advertisement on Xthreem Online Blog based on Unit ID(s) - Xthreem Online will have a “Internet Marketing” section. Banner Advertisement will be publish on that section. (Banner Advertisement will start in October 2007)
This service is available at $24USD per year (12 months) for each new unit.
Exisitng members will be only be charged $12USD per year (12 months) for each unit. This promotion period for existing members will end 30 September 2007.
B) Promotion for September 2007
Here is the details for the September 2007 Promotion :-
1) Purchase for 07 units : 1 month Free Full Unit Management Service (Free Service worth 168USD)
2) Purchase for 15 units : 2 months Free Full Unit Management Service (Free Service worth 360USD)
3) Purchase for 30 units : 4 months Free Full Unit Management Service (Free Service worth 720USD)
4) Purchase for 43 units : 6 months Free Full Unit Management Service (Free Service worth 1,032USD)
This promotion is for purchase made in September 2007. Grab hold of this chance now!!!
C) Additional Introducer Bonus
An Additional Introducer Bonus of $60USD will be given to the introducer (or Self Purchase). This is also only available for the month of September.

Please note that all promotions are for Month of September… Grab this offer while it lasts…!!! If you are interested about this offer, Email to with the Header, “FULL UNIT MANAGEMENT SERVICE” and include your Name, Email & ID(s) in the email. We will show guide you to a payment instruction page once we receive your email.
Aug 18, 2007
Xthreem Inc. Online
I am with the DTM team & boy are they rocking!!
I have just join this amazing team &
check out the splash page i got
Click On It
Lovely isn't it?
Now if you guys do not understand
i will try my best to explain
meanwhile these are from the site:
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Fast start bonus - Each person that sign up under you, you will earn $20USD fast start bonus, infinity level. Each starter pack includes a product of Encyclopedia Britannica Online. | |
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Click and Earn Individual - You will earn 3.75% ($12USD) monthly from your one time investment of $320USD. All you need to do is to log into your account 30 times within a month. Great monthly passive income from your one time investment! | |
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| |
Click and Earn level 1 - This is a 2 x 5 matrix, meaning that you will have 2 accounts in your level 1. You will earn $6USD each from each account in your 1st level only. That is $6USD x 2 unit = $12USD which is another 3.75% monthly returns of your one time purchase of the starter pack investment. Great monthly residual income from a one time $320USD investment! | |
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Group development Bonus - When you’ve reached a total of 30 accounts under you, you will recycle and qualify for group development bonus. All you need is 2 new personal sponsors and you will be given $800USD & 1 account worth $320USD for FREE! Meaning you can get 250% ($800USD) + 100% (New free account) = 350% out of your one time $320USD investment! For your 1st cycle, you'll need 30 accounts under you to qualify for the group development bonus, for your 2nd cycle, you need 28 accounts you to qualify. From the 3rd cycle onwards, you will only need 25 units under you. There is no limit to the number of times you can recycle! | |
But what is more important is,
if the opportunity is in front of You, DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GRAB IT?
Now is your chance to grab this opportunity by Signing Up Now
Aug 10, 2007
Sunshine Growing Big & My 10th Payment
it has been awhile since i last posted
i have requested my 10th withdrawal on Sunshine Empire
which is currently still pending as shows
Furthermore, its all over HongKong News that we have acquired China Photar Limited, a listed company in Hong Kong GEM board, counter No. 8220.
Those who are interested in knowing more details
can drop me an email or add me in MSN
We are looking for partners who want to participate as Partner of Sunshine Empire. This will be a best opportunity you need to supply you with great extra income & help you achieve you financial freedom in near future. How to participate:
1st, you have to register as either:
Bronze Merchant = 150usd
Silver Merchant = 750usd
That is to entitle you the rights to use Sunshine Empire Marketing Platform and you can use emall points (MP) to exchange our products package from Emallempire or Emcall (a callback service)
Cost of being a partner currently after 17th July:
Bronze Partner = 360 usd
Silver Partner = 1,800 usd
Gold Partner = 7200 usd
What will the partners enjoy being with Sunshine Empire:
1. Customer Rebate Bonus Program - up to 12,000 e-points
2. Customer Loyalty Bonus Program - up to 60,000 e-points
Jul 18, 2007
Share in the Wealth
i just joined this site & it sure looks good to be joining early
Its more like shareholder
i purchase 2 spots already
Earning by the hour
No more sponsoring to get paid
once u purchase a spot
you will get paid no matter if u refer or not
Whenever a new member joins you will get a slice of the pie
here is the breakdown
How does this work"?
Each time a new member activates their account the cash is *shared equally* between the total number of previously sold shares! This means that absolutely every single activated member gets a share of the pot, no more waiting to cycle or missing out, you get paid each and every time guaranteed! No fuss, no muss!
But wait, it gets even better still! You get paid on each share you buy which means that if you buy 2 shares you get a double share! buy 3 and get triple! buy 4 and get quadruple! buy more and earn absolutely insane amounts of cash!
Every activated member gets paid every time! We know that you will agree that this is a surefire winner and will make "Share Everything With Me" the greatest shares program ever! You will even earn money while you are in bed, just login in the morning and checkout how much new cash you earned while you was sleeping!
Join Me & Start Earning Now From This Very First Min.
Member questions....
Q - How much is a share?
A - $50
Q - When a person has $50 in account balance money are they able to purchase another share without having to withdraw it first?
A - Yes. You will see how it works once your earnings accumulate to at least $50. You may use earnings to purchase additional shares or you may request a withdrawal.
Q - Are there referral bonuses?
A - Yes, 2 levels. $5 is paid to the direct sponsor and $5 is paid to his or her sponsor.
Q - Are you notified when you have a new person sign up and do you receive their name and email address?
A - Unfortunately not. Referrals appear in your back office with usernames only. I am going to send a support ticket about this and request that they supply this info.
Latest Articles from High Yield Weekly Digest Jul, 17 '07
Victoria Picks: My Retirement Project
Fast Review: YouForex
Why Buffett's Investment Strategy Won't Work For Buffett Anymore - But For You It Will Still Work!
Early Pension Plan - $90,000 That You'll Never Get!
Fast Review: BBSHyip
Selected HYWD Articles
Tax Deed Investing - How To Double Your Money Quickly And Easily By Investing In Tax Deeds
Jul 4, 2007
BTD Payout & D2J Receipt

I just deposited into my balance and
it was funded less than 5 hr
although was stated 12-24hrs
here is a proof of the receipt
Now is the best time for most of people to give it a try.
Why i say so?
Because by spending 95 or 100 dollars you can tried it out. After the 10 days, it won't be possible.
The minimum investment will be around $500,
and surely pple will start shouting too expensive
thats why i encourage pple to join now
which is possible within this 10 days
Alright this is my payout from BTD
so feast your eyes on it
lol~~~thank pete btw
Jun 27, 2007
Monthly Payments For Life Holdings
I apologize for the late update.
Let me answer your questions and let’s get rid of the recent rumors, for the sake of our mental sanity.
Profit payments and the process of cashing out members - on request or by my choice - are being delayed because of some problems at my bank. The center of the problems is my main Bank itself. Receiving five figure wire transfers every week or two from Betfair and sending the money out of the country to multiple e-currency exchangers is a strange routine. After investigating my regular transfers, my bank found out about E-gold and the problems ‘associated’ with it, and since then they have imposed a limit on my activity according to their anti-money laundering rules.
*Mind you, most bank employees earn $6,000 - $12,000 a year around here. Transferring those amounts weekly DOES raise an eye bro or two.
My decision is to reduce the number of wire transfers I have to perform, and in turn I am changing the payment schedule from Weekly payments to Monthly payments effective immediately. No payments will be made in June, so I will have announce the date for the first monthly payment in July soon; I do not know the exact date yet.
For all you rumor mongers, you should stop spreading lies and panic yourself, or others. There’s no point in doing that.
The new payment schedule is a good change which I should have made even earlier. It will take take time for some to get used with it; I know others breathe relieved because it’s something they’ve been expecting for some time now.
Dan (OptimusLH)
Life Holdings Management
Jun 21, 2007
Deal2Join Good or Not?
kinda busy lately due to new work
haven been free to update
i will still try my best
Apparently AGLOCO is doing so far so good
i have surf finished my 5 hours for the whole month does not take long
now only to see if and how will they payout
will keep you guys updated here
I was watching Deal2Join for some time and finally joined
will keep tabs on it to see how great this site truly is
meanwhile ... keep in touch
Jun 5, 2007
Agloco Viewbar Ready
i just got email from Agloco
the viewbar is ready to be downloaded
man this is alive & kicking
Those friends under my network
please rem. to download & surf too
its ready
First of all its FREE its join
Secondly its easy to earn
All you need to do is just surf on the net as per usual
that all i request its just that easy
Max hours per mth is 5
so you will depend much on your downlines too
I also join Breakthedrought & CellCfund after considering this
to be one of the long lasting non-hyip so far with real biz
check it out
May 10, 2007
2ez2 Get Paid with Little or No Effort
June is already coming soon
Birthday is around corner
another yr older once again
Back to biz
got this simple biz which takes no much effort to learn how it works
How It Works
As a publisher, the process of getting users to sign up on your website is very easy.- First, sign up for an account, and go to the 'Buy Credits' page, and purchase a credits package.
(You can also post an exchange offer, where you can simply exchange sign ups with others instead of paying others to do so.)
- Within 48 hours a 2EZ2 Get Members Member Generator admin will approve your order once payment is confirmed, and you will have the credits in your account.
- Now all you have to do is create an offer, and when doing so you set how many credits you would like to pay per sign up (.05 credits to 2 credit). You can create an offer for a regular site, where the user just registers, or an offer for a forum, where you specify how many posts/topics the user should create to receive credit.
(You can also post an exchange offer, where you can simply exchange sign ups with others instead of paying others to do so.)
- Once a user completes your offer, a transaction will be opened in your member's panel. You can either Approve or Deny this user's transaction. If the user completed the offer, then you approve it, and if he/she did not then you can deny it. If you deny an offer, the other user may file a complaint, at which time the admin will decide what happens.
- Thats it! You can sign up today and start getting members on your website almost right away.
Apr 14, 2007
Twin LH Payouts Today
Finally LightHalzen Fortress is Up Strong & running once again
Got paid within a Flash by both LH
Interesting but pls do not mix them up
LightHalzen is still considered High Risk returning 150%
whereas Life holdings is more on a non-hyip basis
Twin LightHalzen & Life-Holdings has paid me today
Like to congrats Dan
being on the Gemspot @ NoBs
you can read more from the email here
Life Holdings minimum deposit limits for new members will be increased this Sunday to $200 for both E-gold and E-bullion.
Minimum additional deposits to your start from $10.
I'm sorry for allowing dust to settle on My Chart Analysis thread, but this has been one hectic week.
Having an exchange pending from TheBullionExchange since Tuesday, I had to work overtime to make a profit on the amount exchanged as well. Once the exchange is completed and everything is back to normal, I will resume posting sometime next week.
Jude (NoBSBlog & NobsNetwork) wrote the following article on his blog this week: Gemspot: Life Holdings.
I want to thank Jude for bringing Life Holdings to the Gemspot and everyone else who joined Life Holdings. We make a great team together, and I'm grateful for all your continued support.
3.20% net profit for investors this week!
E-Gold and E-Bullion profit and referral payments have been executed; check your e-currency account to verify yours!
If you have questions or opinions, send me an e-mail, PM or post it on Life Holdings forum. That's all for now. I wish you a great weekend. :-)
Dan, Optimus
Life Holdings Management
Mar 28, 2007
News from HYWD - Mar, 27 '07
If you're interested in the program we've put "In focus", please read also the article on eTalkMoney - Magic-Vault: Dissapointed, Interview asked
Finally - Club FxTrader - Changing script! - it really has been an ethernity
If you do paid posting, see this article from DollarsBlog - Two Forums no longer...
Fast Review: WorldForex
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Magic Vault - Trading verified
by Tony Clifton [Your Program In Focus]
It has been a long time without a program "in focus". To be honest I got pissed off to review programs which live shorter than the time I've used to investigate them. Hopefully this time will be different. There are some indications for that.
Fast Review: Lighten Investment
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
5 Ways To Protect Yourself Against Internet Scams
By Tony Shaw
Many times when searching for a way to better life through business opportunities on the net, people run into numerous scams. These Internet scams make it quite difficult to find a legitimate source of work. Not to mention, they come in all forms.
How can you tell if they...
Fast Review: Vivo Surf
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Buy Gold Coins as Bullion Gold Coins Gain Favor
by Richard Goldstien
Gold bullion coins and investor grade gold coins gain respect from the investment community as an alternative to stocks, Bonds, cash accounts, and other risky vehicles.
In today's world of global uncertainty, one thing remains certain: gold coins. Gold bullion coins continue to outperform traditional vehicles the same way...
Victoria Picks: NoPonzi Blog
by Vitoria Kovac
Do you like ponzies? Me - not much :-) That's why NoPonzi Blog immediately caught my attention even just with its title. Well, since it discusses different kind of HYIPs I would not say it's really ponzi-free, but how could it be? Most HYIPs are ponzies anyway.
The HYIPs...
Mar 27, 2007
Force to be Reckon
Just a show of Payouts before LightHalzen Castle Domain was attacked
now how about after they won the war with all the Supreme, White & Dark Knights
Everyone did their part
Which lead to a Formidable Fortress
& i am glad i am in from day 1
COF have some updates on the emails regarding payouts
so folks please remember to read up
got to go back to work
will post more updates when i am free
Thanks for reading
Mar 18, 2007
Refunded By 9pns & Paid by COF
Great news
9pns has refunded me a sum of $300+

Meanwhile LightHalzen is having some problems with their hosting
will be rectified by a few days as mentioned in their email
but i guess most of us got paid before they encountered it
so lucky us
COF & Life-Holding once again paid me for i do not know how many times
I lost count but gotta love those sums paid!
Mar 14, 2007
HYWD Newsletter for Mar, 13 '07
Speed Linking March 13th, 2007
There are useful Autosurf & HYIP’s Weekly Updates on eTalkMoney
If you wish to comment on NSFG, Lazyman has posted the last update and some comments on it
Psyko has prepared his HYIP Signals Spreadsheet/a>. Check you out if you want to know how to really make money from HYIPs
There is a...
Goldex Debit Card
Goldex(aff.) is one of the oldest services for e-currency exchange. Recently they introduced Debit Cards for e-gold and e-bullion at the cost of $50. After some of the largest card operators stopped working, the Goldex card is one of the very few reliable alternatives.
Our own experience with their service is...
Fast Review: Fical Metal Fund
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
JoyFund returns 40% loss for February
by Tony Clifton [Your Program In Focus]
When I introduceed Joy Fund on HYWD an year ago, I was a bit sceptic if they are for real, regardless the fact that they were audited by 2 people. Now I regret for not looking more into their trading style rather than for...
Victoria Picks: New stuff from NoBSHYIP
by Victoria Kovac
Since you are reading HYWD, I think it's absolutely sure that you know what NoBSHYIP is. We regularly link to Jude's blog for various reasons. That's why this time I won't bother you with the blog ;-)
There are two new ventures from the same network - No Bullshit...
Fast Review: Online Forex Investments
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
7 Habits of Highly Effective Investors
by J.S. Kim
There are 7 habits that highly effective investors engage in regularly that separate themselves from the thundering sheep herd. These 7 habits, in fact, often lead to highly effective investors acting very differently from the average investor not because he or she believes in contrarian investing, but because...
Fast Review: Pay It 4 Profit
by Alfredo Todes [Your HYIP Here]
Please note that the profit chances are estimated at the time of publishing of the article. Most programs are pyramid schemes, which means that the chance is getting lower with the time. So it is not recommended to invest based on too old reviews. You...
Why You Need To Report Identity Theft Immediately
by Jon Arnold
The crime of identity theft is steadily rising, and the reason for this is that most people do not realize exactly how easy the crime is to commit by those who are intent on doing so. Carelessly throwing those credit card offers you get in the mail all...
Mar 7, 2007
Good & Bad News
Just got paid by a LightHalzen , C4G Forum and 4newbie
Gotta love those payouts
Check it out

Gosh this is really bad news
Never expect 9pns to end so fast
but here are the details
9planetnosurf was operating very well over the first 16 days. Four days ago I noticed that withdrawals were at an increase and in fact were outstripping spends. I was hoping that this was not a new trend.
The next day withdrawals again exceeded spends. Some new players came on board, finally, so I was hoping that their activities would turn things around. But that was not enough and not fast enough. Unfortunately, again, the next two days were losing days because withdrawals far exceeded deposits and we were heavily dipping into the “reserves”. (We built up some reserves in the first few days and over the next few days incoming funds were either matching withdrawals for the day or slightly exceeding... hence a slow steady growth in reserves.)
Finally, today, I took a detailed look at all of the accounts and basically we have $181,576 left, which includes exactly $33,039 in the Long Term Account. At this rate that $181 grand will disappear in about three or four days, maybe it will last longer due to new deposits (if I did not send this letter). But I doubt there will be many new spends after this letter has gone out. So that's likely out of the question.
Now at this point most other programme operators have either closed down and run, or had already run sooner. So we need to vote on this. I guess we'll have to create a new thread for the vote? Ok, I've created a poll: Basically we need to decide: a) we shut down all plans and begin refunding the $181 grand or so, including Long Term Plan funds or b) we keep the Long Term Plan open, shut down the rest, go into ForEx to keep the Long Term plan going, and refund $180-33=$147 grand. Or c) keep it going and allow all the funds to be drained/paid (including LT plan) out as it is unlikely folks will put in new spends after they read this. Of course I will refund fairly, those folks who are not in profit, a percentage (so not 100% as we need to spread the remaining funds across all those not in profit). The same trend has been occurring in the other programmes, which includes surfs, autosurfs, HYIPs.
You folks are not to blame, you did a good job... but growth was not strong enough to keep going (or maybe it would be... if I had not sent this letter and recruiting really picked up... but again, over the last four days it has been a downward spiral and you would not believe how fast reserves can be drained... with the number of active members that we have it's a very quick and tight down-spiral. I wish I had won the lottery, if I did.. I could have paid you all out with pleasure even. Hold on, let me check my March 2nd Super 7 lotto ticket....(am not joking, am actually checking it...) ...nope, only 3 numbers matched, free ticket I guess. Am glad I postponed my visit to see my daughter... today I would have been on the road and reserves would have further been drained and I would have had to spend the whole week there, doing refunds! Not good. So.. go and vote.
For now I've suspended all new spends and all w/d's. Please do not complain to e-gold else all funds could end up being frozen. And that would be a stupid thing to do. I need not remind anyone that you knew what you were getting into when you came in. Despite the no refund policy, am likely going to end up refunding, depending on how you vote. I keep adding to this note as new things come up for me. Over the past few days I have noticed pains in my left arm, near the shoulder, then below the elbow in some muscle group there, and even near the wrist. Left leg sometimes as well. Well, we all know those symptoms. So maybe this shut down is best for all concerned because if I get a heart-attack in the next few days, and I did not shut down and refund? Then those funds would effectively be lost, and I would be well out of my body and on my way. So maybe this is best.
There is no case to plead. All we have is that $181 grand left and I will refund appropriately, so e-mails begging me this and that will have to be ignored. Refunds will begin in about 4 days, maybe sooner, depending on how I decide to extract all the data. I'll keep you all up to date with updates and posts in the main MMG thread. js
Im A Happy Man
they are capping @ 15% max daily so the rest will be reserve
for lower % which i say is a good plan.
Withdrawal thru 9PlanetNoSurf has been a smooth sail
Check out those payments
Just got paid recently by COF too
A Happy man i must say this month

for yesterday interest
just requested for today too
let's see how
Mar 3, 2007
DeserkSkyMarketing Closes
but DSM has closed
here is what cause it
As you know, I'm always open with my members about the status of DesertSky Marketing. There has been a mass exodus from DesertSky Marketing ever since the daily percentage dropped from 10% to 9.43%. You can see from the statistics page the daily advertising sales have plummeted. The figures for today are on track to be less than half of what it was yesterday. Obviously, the majority of the members do not want DSM to continue. This really is such a shame. DSM created a program that would have been able to sustain 5-6%, but the majority of the members did not want to support it when the percentage started to drop.
DSM does have real outside income and a sufficient reserve fund. We are going to continue with our master plan and move forward with a private, invitation only program. The members who are invited and choose to participate will enjoy the benefits of DSM's master plan.
Since it is apparent that the majority of the members do not want to participate in DSM as we know it today, I have decided to close DSM. I'm disheartened and disappointed that it has come to this. We do have an exit strategy where no member will lose money! Over the next week, we will have our programmer create an audit script to figure the amount due for each member.
DSM will compute refunds in the following way:
- Total real cash upgrades (upgrades from AlertPay, Egold, or CEPtrust) minus total paid cashouts = refund amount due
- If you are already in profit, you will not receive any more funds from DSM
- Members who continued to support DSM by upgrading after the percentage dropped will receive a 10% bonus along with their refund
- Members who continued to support DSM by upgrading after the percentage dropped will receive their refunds first
- All other refunds will be paid in member ID order, from lowest member ID number to highest member ID number
I've turned upgrades off as well as disabled the cashout button. I've also stopped processing cashout requests until we complete the account audits. As soon as the audit is completed, we will post a page on our site that shows the member number, and the refund amount you will be receiving. The list will be in the order in which the members will be paid. DSM will then immediately begin making payments. Payments will be made each business day until all members are refunded.
--- How did we get to this point? Several factors came into play that brought us to this point: ---
- Referral commissions was one. A good handful of members upgraded with minimum upgrades and built a huge downline. They didn't support the program they were recommending to their downline. Most not even surfing, but managed to login every day to withdraw their referral commissions. We have new code that will correct this referral commission issue. This new code will be passed to the companies that lease the DSM script.
- Once we reduced the referral commissions to correct the abuse, these same members who gained so much, started moving their downline to other programs. Not because DSM was a bad program, but because they could no longer milk the system and fill their own pockets.
- Once the daily percentage fell below the max of 10% (which we all knew it would eventually do), the majority of the members bailed. This is evident by looking at the program statistics. This is an unfortunate event because of so many programs burning members in the past. The community, as a whole, is not willing to stand by an honest program. Because of so many past programs that have scammed and/or failed, members jump at the slightest challenge. This is not so much a member problem, but it is an industry problem.
--- What can you do in the future? ---
- Support programs that are run by honest admins. Not just when the daily percentage is high.
- Pull your profit out along the way. This way when the daily percentage drops a bit, you will not be in a panic and withdraw all your funds, thus making the percentage drop even more.
- Sign up under the program link, not some referral whore. This benefits the majority more than a select few. Does your upline recommend a program because it is a good program, or do they recommend the program to make a killing off of your work? Do they upgrade as much as they encourage you to?
- Realize what a good percentage is; 2% per day is an awesome return, even 1% per day is better than you can find in any bank.
Please understand the business model did NOT fail. The business model is a solid one, especially with real outside income. However, a key component is sales. If sales drop to near nothing, then there will be near nothing to "share" with the members. This is what happened with DSM, and rather than let it die a slow, long death, we are going to stop the bleeding and make everyone whole.
I encourage you to support 4newbiesMarketing, Lucreshares, and a couple more that will be coming online very soon. These programs do have real outside income. If their daily percentage drops from the max, don't bail on them. Realize what a realistic daily percentage is and continue to work the program to make a reasonable monthly profit.
I am attending classes this weekend (Thursday - Sunday), so will not be online that much. This is the reason this email is coming so late. I hate to ask you for patience, but please be patient and we will post on the site next week the refund amounts so you will know the amount you are going to receive. We will also leave the support ticket system open so if you disagree with the amount you can submit a ticket and we will double-check our records and make any necessary adjustments to your refund amount.
I thank you for participating in DSM and wish you the best in your online endeavors.
Happy Surfing,
DesertSky Marketing