Just got paid by a LightHalzen , C4G Forum and 4newbie
Gotta love those payouts
Check it out

Gosh this is really bad news
Never expect 9pns to end so fast
but here are the details
9planetnosurf was operating very well over the first 16 days. Four days ago I noticed that withdrawals were at an increase and in fact were outstripping spends. I was hoping that this was not a new trend.
The next day withdrawals again exceeded spends. Some new players came on board, finally, so I was hoping that their activities would turn things around. But that was not enough and not fast enough. Unfortunately, again, the next two days were losing days because withdrawals far exceeded deposits and we were heavily dipping into the “reserves”. (We built up some reserves in the first few days and over the next few days incoming funds were either matching withdrawals for the day or slightly exceeding... hence a slow steady growth in reserves.)
Finally, today, I took a detailed look at all of the accounts and basically we have $181,576 left, which includes exactly $33,039 in the Long Term Account. At this rate that $181 grand will disappear in about three or four days, maybe it will last longer due to new deposits (if I did not send this letter). But I doubt there will be many new spends after this letter has gone out. So that's likely out of the question.
Now at this point most other programme operators have either closed down and run, or had already run sooner. So we need to vote on this. I guess we'll have to create a new thread for the vote? Ok, I've created a poll: Basically we need to decide: a) we shut down all plans and begin refunding the $181 grand or so, including Long Term Plan funds or b) we keep the Long Term Plan open, shut down the rest, go into ForEx to keep the Long Term plan going, and refund $180-33=$147 grand. Or c) keep it going and allow all the funds to be drained/paid (including LT plan) out as it is unlikely folks will put in new spends after they read this. Of course I will refund fairly, those folks who are not in profit, a percentage (so not 100% as we need to spread the remaining funds across all those not in profit). The same trend has been occurring in the other programmes, which includes surfs, autosurfs, HYIPs.
You folks are not to blame, you did a good job... but growth was not strong enough to keep going (or maybe it would be... if I had not sent this letter and recruiting really picked up... but again, over the last four days it has been a downward spiral and you would not believe how fast reserves can be drained... with the number of active members that we have it's a very quick and tight down-spiral. I wish I had won the lottery, if I did.. I could have paid you all out with pleasure even. Hold on, let me check my March 2nd Super 7 lotto ticket....(am not joking, am actually checking it...) ...nope, only 3 numbers matched, free ticket I guess. Am glad I postponed my visit to see my daughter... today I would have been on the road and reserves would have further been drained and I would have had to spend the whole week there, doing refunds! Not good. So.. go and vote.
For now I've suspended all new spends and all w/d's. Please do not complain to e-gold else all funds could end up being frozen. And that would be a stupid thing to do. I need not remind anyone that you knew what you were getting into when you came in. Despite the no refund policy, am likely going to end up refunding, depending on how you vote. I keep adding to this note as new things come up for me. Over the past few days I have noticed pains in my left arm, near the shoulder, then below the elbow in some muscle group there, and even near the wrist. Left leg sometimes as well. Well, we all know those symptoms. So maybe this shut down is best for all concerned because if I get a heart-attack in the next few days, and I did not shut down and refund? Then those funds would effectively be lost, and I would be well out of my body and on my way. So maybe this is best.
There is no case to plead. All we have is that $181 grand left and I will refund appropriately, so e-mails begging me this and that will have to be ignored. Refunds will begin in about 4 days, maybe sooner, depending on how I decide to extract all the data. I'll keep you all up to date with updates and posts in the main MMG thread. js
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